How can we find the index position of a string stored as a record in MySQL table’s column?

We can use FIELD() function to find the index position of a string stored as a record in MySQL table’s column. To demonstrate it we are using the table named ‘websites’ having the following data


mysql> Select * from websites;
| Id | Purpose       | Webaddress             |
| 1  | For tutorials | |
| 2  | For searching |       |
| 3  | For email     |          |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Now, suppose if we want to find out the index number of a particular string say ‘for email’ from the strings stored as a record in ‘Purpose’ and ‘Webaddress’ columns of this table then the following query will do it −

mysql> Select FIELD('For email', purpose, webaddress) From websites;
| FIELD('For email', purpose, webaddress)|
|                                      0 |
|                                      0 |
|                                      1 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The above result set shows that ‘For email’ string is at first index of the third row.

mysql> Select FIELD('', purpose, web address) From websites;
| FIELD('', purpose, web address)|
|                                                    2 |
|                                                    0 |
|                                                    0 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The above result set shows that ‘’ string is at the second index of the first row.

Updated on: 22-Jun-2020


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