How can we display MySQL bit values in printable form?

Actually, Bit values are returned as binary values but we can also display them in the printable form with the help of following −

By adding 0

We can display Bit values in printable form by adding 0 to them. Following the example from the bit_testing table can be used to understand it −

mysql> Select bittest+0 from bit_testing;
| bittest+0 |
|       170 |
|         5 |
|         5 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

By using conversion function BIN(),OCT(),HEX()

We can also display Bit values in printable form by using BIN() conversion function. Following the example from the bit_testing table can be used to understand it −

mysql> Select BIN(bittest+0) from bit_testing;
| BIN(bittest+0) |
| 10101010       |
| 101            |
| 101            |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> Select OCT(bittest+0) from bit_testing;
| OCT(bittest+0) |
| 252            |
| 5              |
| 5              |
3 rows in set (0.05 sec)

mysql> Select HEX(bittest+0) from bit_testing;
| HEX(bittest+0) |
| AA             |
| 5              |
| 5              |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Updated on: 22-Jun-2020


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