How can MySQL handle the errors during trigger execution?

Suppose if an error occurs during trigger execution then MySQL can handle it as follows −

  • If a BEFORE trigger fails, the operation on the corresponding row is not performed.
  • A BEFORE trigger is activated by the attempt to insert or modify the row, regardless of whether the attempt subsequently succeeds.
  • An AFTER trigger is executed only if any BEFORE triggers and the row operation execute successfully.
  • An error during either a BEFORE or AFTER trigger results in failure of the entire statement that caused trigger invocation.
  • For transactional tables, failure of a statement should cause a rollback of all changes performed by the statement. Failure of a trigger causes the statement to fail, so trigger failure also causes rollback. For nontransactional tables, such rollback cannot be done, so although the statement fails, any changes performed prior to the point of the error remain in effect.

Updated on: 22-Jun-2020


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