How can I use a SELECT statement as an argument of MySQL IF() function?

It is quite possible to use a SELECT statement as the first argument of MySQL IF() function. To make it understand, consider the data as follows from table ‘Students’.

mysql> Select * from Students;
| id | Name      | Country   | Language | Course         |
| 1  | Francis   | UK        | English  | Literature     |
| 2  | Rick      | USA       | English  | History        |
| 3  | Correy    | USA       | English  | Computers      |
| 4  | Shane     | France    | French   | Computers      |
| 5  | Validimir | Russia    | Russian  | Computers      |
| 6  | Steve     | Australia | English  | Geoinformatics |
| 7  | Rahul     | India     | Hindi    | Yoga           |
| 8  | Harshit   | India     | Hindi    | Computers      |
| 9  | Harry     | NZ        | English  | Electronics    |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Now the following query will use SELECT Statement within IF() function

mysql> Select ID, IF((Select COUNT(*) FROM Students WHERE Language = 'English')>(Select COUNT(*) from Students WHERE Language <> 'English'),(CONCAT("Name is ", Name)),(CONCAT("Course is ", Course))) AS 'Name/Course' from Students;
| ID | Name/Course       |
| 1  | Name is Francis   |
| 2  | Name is Rick      |
| 3  | Name is Correy    |
| 4  | Name is Shane     |
| 5  | Name is Validimir |
| 6  | Name is Steve     |
| 7  | Name is Rahul     |
| 8  | Name is Harshit   |
| 9  | Name is Harry     |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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