How can I match the start and end in Python's regex?

Have you ever come across situations where you had to determine if a string starts or ends with a particular pattern in Python? If so, you don’t need to worry, for Python's regular expressions provide a solution in such cases. With the power of regex, you can easily check whether a string begins or concludes with a specific sequence of characters. In this comprehensive article, we will explore various code examples that demonstrate how to use Python's regex to accomplish this task effortlessly.

Before taking a plunge into the examples, let's take a break and understand what regular expressions are and how they work in Python. Regular expressions are a powerful and flexible tool used to search for patterns in text. They allow you to define rules using special characters and sequences to match and manipulate substrings within larger text strings.

Now, let's take a plunge into matching the start of a string using regular expressions. Imagine you have a list of names, and you want to find all the names that begin with "J." Python's regex can help you achieve this with ease. Let's check out an example:


In this code example, we import the `re` module, which provides us with the regex functionalities. The `names` list contains several names, and we use a list comprehension to iterate through each name. Inside the comprehension, `re.match(r'^J', name)` checks if the name starts with the letter "J" using the `^` symbol, which denotes the start of a string. If the condition is true, the name is appended to the `matching_names` list. Finally, we print the list of matching names.

import re

names = ["John", "Jane", "David", "Michael", "Jessica"]
matching_names = [name for name in names if re.match(r'^J', name)]


['John', 'Jane', 'Jessica']

Now, let's shift gears and explore matching the end of a string using regular expressions. Consider a scenario where you have a list of file names, and you want to find all the files with a ".txt" extension. Python's regex can come to your aid once again. Let's take a look at the code:


In this example, we use the `'\.txt$', file_name)` method to find file names that end with ".txt." The `\` before the period (`.`) is an escape character, ensuring that the period is treated as a literal character and not as a special regex character. The `$` symbol signifies the end of a string. When the condition is met, the file name is added to the `txt_files` list, which we then print to see the output.

import re
file_names = ["document.txt", "photo.jpg", "notes.txt", "report.docx", "data.csv"]
txt_files = [file_name for file_name in file_names if'\.txt$', file_name)]


['document.txt', 'notes.txt']

But what if you want to match both the start and end of a string simultaneously? Python's regex provides a solution for that too. Let's take an example where we need to find all names that start and end with the letter "A":


In this code snippet, we use the `'^A.*A$', name)` method. The `^A` checks if the name starts with the letter "A," and the `A$` checks if the name ends with the letter "A." The `.*` in between the start and end characters matches any number of characters (including none), allowing for flexibility in the middle of the string.

import re

names = ["Alan", "Michael", "Anna", "Alicia", "Robert"]
matching_names = [name for name in names if'^A.*A$', name)]



Let's move on to another example that showcases how to use regex to find all words in a sentence that begin and end with the letter "t":


In this code, we use the `re.findall(r'\bt[a−z]*t\b', sentence, re.IGNORECASE)` function to find words that start with "t" and end with "t." The `\b` denotes a word boundary, ensuring that we match whole words. The `[a−z]*` allows for zero or more occurrences of any lowercase letter between the "t" characters, making it case−insensitive using the `re.IGNORECASE` flag.

import re

sentence = "The tiger chased the cat in the dark forest."
matching_words = re.findall(r'\bt[a-z]*t\b', sentence, re.IGNORECASE)



Lastly, let's explore an example where we want to extract all lines from a text that start with a particular keyword. Consider a scenario where you have a log file, and you want to retrieve all lines that begin with the word "ERROR":


In this code snippet, we use the `re.findall(r'^ERROR: .+', log_text, re.MULTILINE)` method. The `^ERROR: ` ensures that we match lines that start with "ERROR: ". The `.+` matches one or more of any character following the keyword, capturing the entire line.

import re

log_text = """
ERROR: File not found.
DEBUG: Function executed successfully.
ERROR: Invalid input detected.
WARNING: Memory usage high.
error_lines = re.findall(r'^ERROR: .+', log_text, re.MULTILINE)


['ERROR: File not found.', 'ERROR: Invalid input detected.']

In conclusion, Python's regex capabilities offer a robust and versatile solution for matching the start and end of strings. By employing the examples and explanations provided in this guide, you can confidently use regular expressions to handle various string manipulation tasks in your Python code. Whether you need to find names starting with a specific letter or extract lines from a log file based on a keyword, regex has got you covered. You must embrace the power of regex and unlock the full potential of your Python programming journey!

Updated on: 08-Sep-2023


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