How are files extracted from a tar file using Python?

You know, it's common knowledge that dealing with files and archives is like a daily routine in the computer programming domain. So, there's this popular archive type called a TAR file that makes it easy for combining and storing files and folders in Linux machines in particular. It's the one that lets you put a set of files and folders into a single package for easy sharing and keeping things tidy. Python, the robust and versatile programming language, helps in managing files and folders using the TAR archive. Python's got these modules that basically let you handle TAR files and work your magic. So, this article is like your guidebook to the fine art of Python and TAR file extraction. We're going to break it down, step by step, and just to keep things exciting, we have added some real−life code snippets. We're taking theory and turning it into hands−on action!

Understanding TAR Files and Python's tarfile Module

All right, let's embark on this journey of cracking open the mystical realm of TAR files and the Python module that makes managing them effectively easy. But, before we start with the code examples, let's get familiar with some basics. So, TAR files are like those all−in−one packages that combine files and folders into a single file. This archiving format is extensively used in Unix−based systems to archive, distribute and share. Python's got a powerful 'tarfile module' that’s like the ultimate TAR tool. It's part of the Python ecosystem and is about managing TAR files like a pro.

The tarfile module has tools that help in both reading and writing TAR archives. However, we will focus on the extraction part in this article, as we strive to understand how to extract files from an existing TAR archive.

Extracting All Files from a TAR Archive

Firstly, let's comprehend how to extract all files from a TAR archive. In this example, we will extract all the contents of the TAR archive into a specified directory.


Here, we go on to define the function extract_all_files, which asks for the path to the TAR archive and the folder where the output files are to be placed. The TAR archive is opened using in read mode ('r'), and all files are extracted to the designated destination folder using the extractall() function.

import tarfile

def extract_all_files(tar_file_path, extract_to):
    with, 'r') as tar:

# Example usage
tar_file_path = 'my_archive.tar'
extract_to = 'destination_folder'
extract_all_files(tar_file_path, extract_to)

Extracting Specific Files

Now, let's discuss extracting specific files from the TAR archive. We can achieve this by providing a list of filenames that we want to extract.


In this code snippet, we proceed to build a method called extract_specific_files that accepts as inputs a list of filenames to extract together with the path to the TAR archive and the target folder. After opening the TAR archive in read mode using, we iterate over the given file_list. We extract each file in the list to the desired location using the extract() function.

import tarfile
import os

def extract_specific_files(tar_file_path, extract_to, file_list):
    with, 'r') as tar:
        for file_name in file_list:
                tar.extract(file_name, extract_to)
            except KeyError:
                print(f"Warning: File '{file_name}' not found in the tar archive.")

# Example usage
tar_file_path = 'my_archive.tar'
extract_to = 'destination_folder'
file_list = ['file1.txt', 'file2.txt', 'file3.txt']
extract_specific_files(tar_file_path, extract_to, file_list)

Extracting Files with a Prefix

Sometimes, we might wish to extract files with specific prefixes, irrespective of their extensions. For example, we might want to extract all files starting with "data_". Let's see how to acheive this:


In this code example, we make use of the getmembers() method to obtain a list of all members (files and directories) in the TAR archive. We then check if each member's name starts with the specified prefix using the startswith() method. If it matches, we use the extract() method to extract that particular member to the destination folder.

import tarfile

def extract_files_with_prefix(tar_file_path, extract_to, prefix):
    with, 'r') as tar:
        for member in tar.getmembers():
                tar.extract(member, path=extract_to)

# Example usage
tar_file_path = 'my_archive.tar'
extract_to = 'destination_folder'
prefix = 'data_'
extract_files_with_prefix(tar_file_path, extract_to, prefix)

Extracting Files to a Specific Directory Structure

Retaining the directory structure while extracting files from a TAR package is crucial in many situations. For instance, we might wish to maintain directories during the extraction if the TAR archive has them. Let's look at how to do this:


In this example, we use the getmembers() method to obtain a list of all members (files and directories) in the TAR archive. We then use the extract() method to extract each member to the destination folder. The path parameter specifies the destination directory, and the extract() method will create subdirectories as needed to preserve the original structure.

import tarfile

def extract_with_structure(tar_file_path, extract_to):
    with, 'r') as tar:
        for member in tar.getmembers():
            tar.extract(member, path=extract_to)

# Example usage
tar_file_path = 'my_archive.tar'
extract_to = 'destination_folder'
extract_with_structure(tar_file_path, extract_to)

Extracting Files with a Custom Extraction Function

Here, we explore the condition where we may need to perform a more complex extraction based on certain conditions. We can achieve this by using a custom extraction function. Let's see how to implement it:


In this example, a custom extraction function called custom_extraction_func() is defined. It accepts a member object as input and returns True or False depending on specific criteria. In this instance, the custom condition stipulates that the member's size must exceed 1024 bytes and contain a.txt extension.

The custom_extract() function takes the TAR archive path, destination folder, and the custom extraction function as arguments. It then calls the custom extraction function for each member in the TAR archive and proceeds with extraction only if the function returns True.

import tarfile

def custom_extraction_func(member):
    # Your custom condition here
    return'.txt') and member.size > 1024

def custom_extract(tar_file_path, extract_to, extraction_func):
    with, 'r') as tar:
        for member in tar.getmembers():
            if extraction_func(member):
                tar.extract(member, path=extract_to)

# Example usage with the custom_extraction_func
tar_file_path = 'my_archive.tar'
extract_to = 'destination_folder'
custom_extract(tar_file_path, extract_to, custom_extraction_func)

So by now, you must have seen that in this exhaustive article where we've taken a wild ride exploring the fine art of extracting files out of a TAR archive using Python's super−flexible tarfile module. First things first, we got familiar with TAR files and got to know the nitty−gritty of that tarfile module.

But behold, it's not all theory here! We unleashed some real−world code examples that tackled all sorts of scenarios including extracting all files, extracting certain files, extracting files with a prefix, maintaining directory structures, and even executing special extractions depending on user−defined criteria.

By learning the tarfile module in detail, you can easily navigate and extract files from TAR archives in your Python projects. The power of Python's tarfile module makes it an invaluable tool for managing TAR archives and handling file extraction efficiently. So you can go ahead, leverage the capabilities of Python, and take your file manipulation skills to new heights!

Updated on: 11-Sep-2023

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