How are files added to a tar file using Python?

The world of computer programming is constantly evolving and this is a proven fact. In such a scenario, tasks like file manipulation, and archiving play are crucial in efficient data management. One of the widely used methods for bundling multiple files and directories into a single file is TAR (Tape Archive) format which is one among several popular archival formats. The vast and powerful standard Python library, makes available to its developers the means to work and interact with TAR files efficiently. Making addition of files to an existing TAR archive is a common requirement in various applications, and it so happens that Python possesses the necessary tools to accomplish this task seamlessly. In this article, we will explore different ways to undertake the process of adding files to a TAR archive using Python. We will also discuss the concepts step-by-step and present five practical code examples to demonstrate the process.

Understanding TAR Files and Python's tarfile Module

Before we begin the task of adding files to a TAR archive using Python, let's first understand what TAR files are and the function of the tarfile module in managing them. An archive format called a TAR (Tape Archive) file combines numerous files and directories into a single file. Most frequently, Unix-based systems for data distribution and archiving use this format.

The tarfile module for Python, which is an integral part of the standard Python library, offers essential resources for working with TAR archives. The tarfile module is a particularly effective tool for managing TAR files in Python since it supports both reading and creating TAR archives.

Adding a Single File to a TAR Archive

Let's consider at first a simple example of adding a single file to an existing TAR archive. In this case, we have a file that we want to include in an already existing TAR archive.


This example defines the function add_single_file_to_tar, which accepts as arguments the path to the already-existing TAR archive and the file to be added. To enable modification of the TAR archive, the archive is opened using in append mode ('a'). Next, we add the given file to the TAR archive using the add() function.

import tarfile

def add_single_file_to_tar(tar_file_path, file_to_add):
   with, 'a') as tar:

# Example usage
tar_file_path = 'existing_archive.tar'
file_to_add = 'file_to_include.txt'
add_single_file_to_tar(tar_file_path, file_to_add)

Adding Multiple Files to a TAR Archive

In many cases, we may want to add multiple files to an existing TAR archive in one go. This can be achieved by providing a list of files to include. Let's explore how to accomplish this −


Here, the method add_multiple_files_to_tar is created, and its inputs are a list of files to add along with the location to the current TAR archive. After opening the TAR archive in append mode ('a'), we iterate over the list of files in a loop. We add each file in the list to the TAR archive using the add() function.

import tarfile

def add_multiple_files_to_tar(tar_file_path, files_to_add):
   with, 'a') as tar:
      for file in files_to_add:

# Example usage
tar_file_path = 'existing_archive.tar'
files_to_add = ['file1.txt', 'file2.txt', 'file3.txt']
add_multiple_files_to_tar(tar_file_path, files_to_add)

Adding Files with Custom Directory Structure

Oftentimes, we may need to add files to the TAR archive while preserving their directory structure. This makes sure that files are placed in their respective directories within the archive.


In the current example, we build a method called add_files_with_structure_to_tar that accepts a list of files to add along with the path to an existing TAR archive as inputs. After opening the TAR archive in append mode ('a'), we iterate over the list of files in a loop.

To retain the directory structure, we use the os.path.join() function to construct the desired archive path for each file. We specify the arcname parameter of the add() method to set the path under which the file will be stored in the TAR archive.

import tarfile
import os

def add_files_with_structure_to_tar(tar_file_path, files_to_add):
   with, 'a') as tar:
      for file in files_to_add:
         archive_path = os.path.join('custom_directory', file)
         tar.add(file, arcname=archive_path)

# Example usage
tar_file_path = 'existing_archive.tar'
files_to_add = ['data/file1.txt', 'images/file2.jpg', 'documents/file3.pdf']
add_files_with_structure_to_tar(tar_file_path, files_to_add)

Adding Files with a Prefix

At other times, we may want to add files to the TAR archive based on a prefix or a common naming pattern. This is especially useful when dealing with files that have a shared characteristic.


The method add_files_with_prefix_to_tar is defined in this code and accepts as inputs the location of the existing TAR archive, a list of files to be added, and a prefix. After opening the TAR archive in append mode ('a'), we iterate over the list of files in a loop.

To make an addition of files based on the specified prefix, we use the startswith() method to check if each file's name starts with the given prefix. If it does, we use the add() method to add it to the TAR archive. The arcname parameter is set to the base name of the file, which ensures that the file is added to the archive without any additional directory structure.

import tarfile
import os

def add_files_with_prefix_to_tar(tar_file_path, files_to_add, prefix):
   with, 'a') as tar:
      for file in files_to_add:
         if file.startswith(prefix):
            tar.add(file, arcname=os.path.basename(file))

# Example usage
tar_file_path = 'existing_archive.tar'
files_to_add = ['data_file1.txt', 'data_file2.txt', 'images_file.jpg', 'documents_file.pdf']
prefix = 'data_'
add_files_with_prefix_to_tar(tar_file_path, files_to_add, prefix)

Adding Files with a Custom Filter Function

In case we need to add files to the TAR archive based on more complex conditions, we achieve this by using a custom filter function.


In this last and final example, we proceed to define a custom filter function custom_filter_function(); it takes a file path as input and returns True or False based on custom conditions. In this instance, the custom condition is that the file should have a .txt extension and be larger than 1024 bytes.

The add_files_with_custom_filter() function takes the TAR archive path, a list of files to add, and the custom filter function as arguments. It then calls the custom filter function for each file in the list and proceeds with adding the file to the TAR archive only if the function returns True.

import tarfile
import os

def custom_filter_function(file):
   # Your custom condition here
   return file.endswith('.txt') and os.path.getsize(file) > 1024

def add_files_with_custom_filter(tar_file_path, files_to_add, filter_func):
   with, 'a') as tar:
      for file in files_to_add:
         if filter_func(file):
            tar.add(file, arcname=os.path.basename(file))

# Example usage with the custom_filter_function
tar_file_path = 'existing_archive.tar'
files_to_add = ['large_file1.txt', 'small_file2.txt', 'data_file.txt']
add_files_with_custom_filter(tar_file_path, files_to_add, custom_filter_function)


In this extensive article, we explored the process of adding files to a TAR archive using Python's useful and very powerful tarfile module. We began by understanding the concept of TAR files and the significance of the tarfile module in Python.

We then presented a few practical code examples that covered various scenarios, such as adding a single file, adding multiple files, preserving directory structures, adding files based on prefixes, and even performing custom additions based on user-defined conditions.

By mastering the tarfile module, you gain the capability to efficiently manage TAR archives and handle data compression and storage tasks with ease in the Python programming language.

Updated on: 22-Aug-2023

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