How MySQL CONCAT() function, applied to the column/s of a table, can be combined with the column/s of other tables?

We can use the output of CONCAT() function which is applied to the column/s of a MySQL with the column/s of another MySQL table. It can be done with the help of MySQL join.


For example, we have two table ‘Student’, having the details like id, Name, Last_name, Address and Subjects of the students, and ‘Remarks’, having the id and comments about the students. Now, the following query can combine CONCAT() function with another table column −

mysql> Select * from remarks;
| ID   | Comment     |
| 1    | Good        |
| 2    | Excellent   |
| 15   | Average     |
| 20   | Good        |
| 21   | Outstanding |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> Select CONCAT(Name,' ' ,Last_Name ), Comment from student s, remarks r
-> Where =;
| CONCAT(Name,' ' ,Last_Name ) | Comment     |
| Gaurav Kumar                 | Good        |
| Aarav Sharma                 | Excellent   |
| Harshit Kumar                | Average     |
| Gaurav Rathore               | Good        |
| Yashraj Singh                | Outstanding |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Both the tables are joined on the basis of common ‘id’ of the students in both the tables.

Updated on: 20-Jun-2020


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