How Is Infinity converted to String in JavaScript?

This tutorial will teach us how to convert the infinity to string in JavaScript. The Infinity is the reserved keyword in JavaScript and demonstrates the concept of the infinity number of mathematics. It is a global variable, and we can access it anywhere in our program.

Here, we have two approaches to converting the infinity number to a string in JavaScript.

  • Using the String() Constructor

  • Using the toString() Method

Using the String() Constructor

The JavaScript contains the class for the variable of every data type and its related method. It also contains the string class and which is the String() constructor. When we pass any values to the String() constructor, it creates the variable of the string type and returns the reference of it, and in the same way, we can convert the Infinity to string.


Following is the syntax to convert the Infinity to string using String() constructor −

let val = Infinity;
let str = String(val);


  • val − It is can be Infinity or -Infinity to convert into the string.


In the example below, we have declared the variables and assigned the Infinity value to them. We have passed that variable to the parameter of the String() constructor to convert it to the string.

<html> <head> </head> <body> <h2> Converting infinity to string in JavaScript. </h2> <h4> Using the <i> String() </i> constructor to convert infinity to string. </h4> <p id = "number"> </p> <script> let number = document.getElementById("number"); let val = Infinity; let str = String(val); number.innerHTML += "String: " + str + "<br/>"; number.innerHTML += "Type of " + str + " is : " + typeof str; </script> </body> </html>

Using the toString() Method

In JavaScript, the toString() method is the most popular for converting any variable value to a string. It is also a String class method, which we can invoke by the reference of any variable.


Following is the syntax to use the convert Infinity to using toString() method −

let value = Infinity;
let str = value.toString();


  • value − It is a variable that contains the Infinity value, and on the reference of that variable, we are calling the toString() method.


In the example below, we have created two variables and assigned Infinity and -Infinity values to them, respectively. After that, we called the toString() method and converted both variables to strings by taking the reference of those variables.

Also, we have checked the type of the converted value using the typeof operator.

<html> <head> </head> <body> <h2> Converting infinity to string in JavaScript. </h2> <h4> Using the <i> toString() </i> constructor to convert infinity to string. </h4> <p id = "number"> </p> <script> let number = document.getElementById("number"); let val = Infinity; let str = val.toString(); number.innerHTML += "String: " + str + "<br/>"; number.innerHTML += "Type of " + str + " is : " + typeof str + "<br/>"; str = (-Infinity).toString(); number.innerHTML += " String: " + str + "<br/>"; </script> </body> </html>

Users can see that the above output shows that type of Infinity is a string, which means Infinity is converted to a string.

We have used the String() constructor and toString() method to achieve our goal in this tutorial. However, users can use the ternary operator to convert the Infinity to string.

Updated on: 02-Aug-2022


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