Configuring any CDN to deliver only one file no matter what URL has been requested

Use any CDN to deliver your purpose. You can use CloudFlare as a reverse proxy between your users and the CDN to fulfill your purpose.

You can also create a rule that redirects whatever you want to index.html. This is how you can what you want considering that CDNs are configured to serve only static existing files as you know.

Content Delivery Network (CDN) puts stuff like blobs and other static content in a cache. The process involves placing the data at strategically chosen locations and caching it. As a result, it provides maximum bandwidth for its delivery to users. Let us assume an application’s source is far away from the end user and many tours are taken over the internet to fetch data; the CDN offers a very competent solution to improve performance in this case. Additionally, it scales the instant high load in a very efficient manner.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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