Complete Graph Class in Javascript

Functions which have been commented out in this code. You can switch to those as well. We've also moved the Queue, Stack, and PriorityQueue classes in different modules that can be imported using either import statements or using require calls. Here is the complete implementation of the Graph class − 


const Queue = require("./Queue");
const Stack = require("./Stack");
const PriorityQueue = require("./PriorityQueue");

class Graph {
   constructor() {
      this.edges = {};
      this.nodes = [];

   addNode(node) {
      this.edges[node] = [];

   addEdge(node1, node2, weight = 1) {
      this.edges[node1].push({ node: node2, weight: weight });
      this.edges[node2].push({ node: node1, weight: weight });

   addDirectedEdge(node1, node2, weight = 1) {
      this.edges[node1].push({ node: node2, weight: weight });

   // addEdge(node1, node2) {
      // this.edges[node1].push(node2);
      // this.edges[node2].push(node1);
   // }

   // addDirectedEdge(node1, node2) {
      // this.edges[node1].push(node2);
   // }

   display() {
      let graph = "";
      this.nodes.forEach(node => {
         graph += node + "->" + this.edges[node].map(n => n.node).join(", ") + "
";       });       console.log(graph);    }    BFS(node) {       let q = new Queue(this.nodes.length);       let explored = new Set();       q.enqueue(node);       explored.add(node);       while (!q.isEmpty()) {          let t = q.dequeue();          console.log(t);          this.edges[t].filter(n => !explored.has(n)).forEach(n => {             explored.add(n);             q.enqueue(n);          });       }    }    DFS(node) {       // Create a Stack and add our initial node in it       let s = new Stack(this.nodes.length);       let explored = new Set();       s.push(node);       // Mark the first node as explored       explored.add(node);       // We'll continue till our Stack gets empty       while (!s.isEmpty()) {          let t = s.pop();          // Log every element that comes out of the Stack          console.log(t);          // 1. In the edges object, we search for nodes this node is          // directly connected to.          // 2. We filter out the nodes that have already been explored.          // 3. Then we mark each unexplored node as explored and push it          // to the Stack.          this.edges[t].filter(n => !explored.has(n)).forEach(n => {             explored.add(n);             s.push(n);          });       }    }    topologicalSortHelper(node, explored, s) {       explored.add(node);       this.edges[node].forEach(n => {          if (!explored.has(n)) {             this.topologicalSortHelper(n, explored, s);          }       });       s.push(node);    }    topologicalSort() {       // Create a Stack and add our initial node in it       let s = new Stack(this.nodes.length);       let explored = new Set();       this.nodes.forEach(node => {          if (!explored.has(node)) {             this.topologicalSortHelper(node, explored, s);          }       });       while (!s.isEmpty()) {          console.log(s.pop());       }    }    BFSShortestPath(n1, n2) {       let q = new Queue(this.nodes.length);       let explored = new Set();       let distances = { n1: 0 };       q.enqueue(n1);       explored.add(n1);       while (!q.isEmpty()) {          let t = q.dequeue();          this.edges[t].filter(n => !explored.has(n)).forEach(n => {             explored.add(n);             distances[n] = distances[t] == undefined ? 1 : distances[t] + 1;             q.enqueue(n);          });       }       return distances[n2];    }    primsMST() {       // Initialize graph that'll contain the MST       const MST = new Graph();       if (this.nodes.length === 0) {          return MST;       }       // Select first node as starting node       let s = this.nodes[0];       // Create a Priority Queue and explored set       let edgeQueue = new PriorityQueue(this.nodes.length * this.nodes.length);       let explored = new Set();       explored.add(s);       MST.addNode(s);       // Add all edges from this starting node to the PQ taking weights as priority       this.edges[s].forEach(edge => {          edgeQueue.enqueue([s, edge.node], edge.weight);       });       // Take the smallest edge and add that to the new graph       let currentMinEdge = edgeQueue.dequeue();       while (!edgeQueue.isEmpty()) {          // COntinue removing edges till we get an edge with an unexplored node          while (!edgeQueue.isEmpty() && explored.has([1])) {             currentMinEdge = edgeQueue.dequeue();          }          let nextNode =[1];          // Check again as queue might get empty without giving back unexplored element          if (!explored.has(nextNode)) {             MST.addNode(nextNode);             MST.addEdge([0], nextNode, currentMinEdge.priority);             // Again add all edges to the PQ             this.edges[nextNode].forEach(edge => {                edgeQueue.enqueue([nextNode, edge.node], edge.weight);             });             // Mark this node as explored explored.add(nextNode);             s = nextNode;          }       }       return MST;    }    kruskalsMST() {       // Initialize graph that'll contain the MST       const MST = new Graph();       this.nodes.forEach(node => MST.addNode(node));       if (this.nodes.length === 0) {          return MST;       }       // Create a Priority Queue       let edgeQueue = new PriorityQueue(this.nodes.length * this.nodes.length);       // Add all edges to the Queue:       for (let node in this.edges) {          this.edges[node].forEach(edge => {             edgeQueue.enqueue([node, edge.node], edge.weight);          });       }       let uf = new UnionFind(this.nodes);       // Loop until either we explore all nodes or queue is empty       while (!edgeQueue.isEmpty()) {          // Get the edge data using destructuring          let nextEdge = edgeQueue.dequeue();          let nodes =;          let weight = nextEdge.priority;          if (!uf.connected(nodes[0], nodes[1])) {             MST.addEdge(nodes[0], nodes[1], weight);             uf.union(nodes[0], nodes[1]);          }       }       return MST;    }    djikstraAlgorithm(startNode) {       let distances = {};       // Stores the reference to previous nodes       let prev = {};       let pq = new PriorityQueue(this.nodes.length * this.nodes.length);       // Set distances to all nodes to be infinite except startNode       distances[startNode] = 0;       pq.enqueue(startNode, 0);       this.nodes.forEach(node => {          if (node !== startNode) distances[node] = Infinity;          prev[node] = null;       });       while (!pq.isEmpty()) {          let minNode = pq.dequeue();          let currNode =;          let weight = minNode.priority;          this.edges[currNode].forEach(neighbor => {             let alt = distances[currNode] + neighbor.weight;             if (alt < distances[neighbor.node]) {                distances[neighbor.node] = alt;                prev[neighbor.node] = currNode;                pq.enqueue(neighbor.node, distances[neighbor.node]);             }          });       }       return distances;    }    floydWarshallAlgorithm() {       let dist = {};       for (let i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) {          dist[this.nodes[i]] = {};          // For existing edges assign the dist to be same as weight          this.edges[this.nodes[i]].forEach(             e => (dist[this.nodes[i]][e.node] = e.weight)          );          this.nodes.forEach(n => {             // For all other nodes assign it to infinity             if (dist[this.nodes[i]][n] == undefined)             dist[this.nodes[i]][n] = Infinity;             // For self edge assign dist to be 0             if (this.nodes[i] === n) dist[this.nodes[i]][n] = 0;          });       }       this.nodes.forEach(i => {          this.nodes.forEach(j => {             this.nodes.forEach(k => {                // Check if going from i to k then from k to j is better                // than directly going from i to j. If yes then update                // i to j value to the new value                if (dist[i][k] + dist[k][j] < dist[i][j])                   dist[i][j] = dist[i][k] + dist[k][j];             });          });       });       return dist;    } } class UnionFind {    constructor(elements) {       // Number of disconnected components       this.count = elements.length;       // Keep Track of connected components       this.parent = {};       // Initialize the data structure such that all       // elements have themselves as parents       elements.forEach(e => (this.parent[e] = e));    }    union(a, b) {       let rootA = this.find(a);       let rootB = this.find(b);       // Roots are same so these are already connected.       if (rootA === rootB) return;       // Always make the element with smaller root the parent.       if (rootA < rootB) {          if (this.parent[b] != b) this.union(this.parent[b], a);          this.parent[b] = this.parent[a];       } else {          if (this.parent[a] != a) this.union(this.parent[a], b);          this.parent[a] = this.parent[b];       }    }    // Returns final parent of a node    find(a) {       while (this.parent[a] !== a) {          a = this.parent[a];       }       return a;    }    // Checks connectivity of the 2 nodes    connected(a, b) {       return this.find(a) === this.find(b);    } }

Updated on: 15-Jun-2020


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