Comparison between E-R Model and Object Oriented Model

The detailed comparison on the E- R model and Object Oriented Model is given as follows −

E-R Model

ER model is used to represent real life scenarios as entities. The properties of these entities are their attributes in the ER diagram and their connections are shown in the form of relationships. 

An ER model is generally considered as a top down approach in data designing.

An example of ER model is −

Advantages of E - R model

  • The data requirements are easily understandable using an E - R model as it utilises clear diagrams.
  • The E-R model can be easily converted into a relational database.
  • The E-R diagram is very easy to understand as it has clearly defined entities and the relations between them.

Disadvantages of E-R model

  • There is no data manipulation language available for an E- R model as it is a largely abstract concept.
  • There are no standard notations for an E - R model. It depends on each individual designer how they design it.

Object Oriented Model

Object oriented data model is based on using real life scenarios. In this model, the scenarios are represented as objects. The objects with similar functionalities are grouped together and linked to different other objects.

An Example of the Object Oriented data model is −  

Advantages of Object Oriented Model

  • Due to inheritance, the data types can be reused in different objects. This reduces the cost of maintaining the same data in multiple locations.
  • The object oriented model is quite flexible in most cases.
  • It is easier to extend the design in Object Oriented Model.

Disadvantages of Object Oriented Model

  • It is not practically implemented in database systems as it is mostly a theoretical approach.
  • This model can be quite complicated to create and understand.

Updated on: 19-Jun-2020

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