9 Ways Stress Can Make You Sick

Stress doesn't just affect your mind, and it can also affect almost every part of your body. , stress is the body's response to real or imagined danger. In response to what the body thinks is a threat, certain glands release hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones cause a wide range of physical changes, such as increased awareness, faster heart rate, and more muscle blood flow.

You're worried about many things, but you're not the only one. It's normal and healthy to feel stressed out from time to time. Stress might make you more determined to get through hard times. But there is a cost, and when stress is too much or lasts too long, it can lead to health problems.

Stress has effects on the body in more than just the mind. Your mental and physical health can benefit greatly from learning to recognize and deal with stress.

Ways Stress Can Make You Sick

People think that stress makes them do better at their jobs. That rarely happens, though. On the other hand, stress has been shown repeatedly to make people make more mistakes. Here are nine good examples −

Disruption In Sleep

There's a link between stress and insomnia, or the inability to fall or stay asleep. Some people are more likely to be hurt by it, like those with a history of insomnia or a mood disorder. There are many ways to treat insomnia, such as changing your lifestyle, counseling, or taking medicine. If you're still having trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor about what you can do.

Increase In Blood Sugar

When stressed, your body releases hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, raising blood sugar. People who do not have diabetes shouldn't have any problems. But people with type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, or who take diabetes medicine may have a blood glucose level spike that isn't normal when they are stressed emotionally or physically.


There is some evidence that stress can also lead to psychological illness. Some side effects of cortisol overload are anxiety, despair, and trouble concentrating. Both short-term and long-term stress has been linked to mood disorders like depression. 

Environment, cortisol levels, and neurological changes are all possible contributors. If you still feel anxious after trying the things above, talk to your doctor about getting a referral to a therapist or a prescription.

Nausea & Diarrhea

Stress can cause stomach problems like nausea, heartburn, and diarrhea, among other things. Researchers have shown that the brain's cortex and the digestive system are linked. Stress-related GI distress is caused by decreased blood flow to the GI tract and the production of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. This can slow down digestion and make it harder for the body to get the nutrients it needs from food.

Problem With Thinking Clearly

Stress can cause your inability to concentrate, remember details, or do well in general. Stress makes it harder to focus and think clearly because it makes it harder to see things clearly in your mind.

When the stresses of everyday life get too much for us to handle, we might feel mentally tired. Making hard decisions over and over at work, dealing with constant interruptions, and keeping up with many social obligations can all add up and be stressful. 

If you have time to refocus and gather your thoughts, your mind might stay calm. As with any scarce resource, concentration worsens when used a lot.

Frequent Headaches

You may be under too much stress if you've never had headaches before but now have one every day. A headache can be brought on by the changes in neurons and blood vessels in the brain that are triggered by the chemicals released in response to stress. 

A sufferer of migraines? They might be triggered by or made worse by stress. When you're stressed, the muscles in your head and neck tighten up, giving you headaches like these.

Regular Cold

The cruelest thing about how our bodies work is that we're more likely to get sick when we're under the most stress.

Why? Cortisol, the "stress hormone," is best at keeping the body's response to viruses and bacteria in check when it is at normal, healthy levels.

But when stress lasts for a long time, the body makes too much cortisol, which makes the immune system less effective. So, your body's ability to control its inflammatory response is lessened, which makes you more likely to get sick from a virus.

Less Sex Drive

Excess cortisol made by long-term stress has been shown to stop sex hormones from being released. And lower levels of chemicals that lower libido. And then there's the mental aspect of it, too. If you're under a lot of stress, you might not be able to enjoy or even want to have sex because you'll be too busy to focus on it. What a drag!

More Pimple On Your Face

You may have put acne in the past, but if you suddenly find your face covered with zits, stress may be to blame. Oil production in the skin glands increases in response to stress hormones like cortisol. Acne is caused when debris and dead skin cells combine with the oil that is produced in excess and become stuck in the hair follicles.


The word "stress" is one that you have probably heard before. Stress is something you can relate to as well. But what does it mean to be stressed out? This is a normal physiological response to threats, and it prepares our bodies for the infrequent dangers they face. Acute stress is not harmful to your health in the short run.

However, persistent stress is a different matter. Numerous negative health outcomes have been linked to chronic stress lasting for days, weeks, or even months. Potential dangers include physical health, mental stability, and mental and emotional well-being. The body's inflammatory reaction to stress has been linked to various chronic diseases.

However, learning how to cope with these symptoms can help keep your mind cool and body away from health hazards.

Updated on: 16-Feb-2023


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