9 Best Inbound Marketing Trends in 2023

The goal of inbound marketing is to create effective and engaging content that will help businesses attract and retain their ideal customers. This strategy can be very effective in generating qualified leads and delivering a high ROI. However, it can be very challenging to implement due to the lack of up-to-date marketing trends.

There are various forms of inbound marketing, such as SEO, social media, email marketing, and lead management. According to a study by Hubspot, 75% of marketers consider these to be effective and can deliver high rates of return. In addition to being more targeted, inbound marketing also takes into account the creation of content that is relevant to the needs of consumers. This strategy helps businesses connect with their potential customers and provide them with valuable information.

The concept of inbound marketing is based on the idea that a company should provide its customers with value in order to attract them. Over the years, this strategy has evolved into a more effective way of building loyalty and increasing conversions. To keep up with the latest inbound marketing trends, we'll be presenting you with a list of the nine most prevalent trends for 2023.

What is Inbound Marketing?

The goal of inbound marketing is to create effective content that will help people move through your sales process. It's a process that involves creating evergreen content that will connect with your customers and create long-lasting relationships. Some of the key trends that will be prevalent in 2023 include live-stream videos, real-time messaging, and written content. The rise of social media, interactive content, and the reimagining of the customer experience are some of the key trends that are shaping the way inbound marketing is done.

9 Best Inbound Marketing Trends in 2023

Short Video cContent

The rise of short-form videos was initially popular with younger audiences through platforms such as YouTube and TikTok. However, since platforms such as Instagram and Facebook have started to expand the reach of this format, it has become more prevalent for brands to create and distribute their own videos. Some of the prominent brands that have jumped on the bandwagon include air conditioning companies and dental clinics. We already have a lot of data to analyse and optimise the effectiveness of these types of videos, so it is time to develop strategies that combine paid and organic content on various platforms.

Use micro-influencers

Because of how relatable they are, followers trust and respect influencers. Their opinions can influence the behavior of an audience. According to a study conducted by AdWeek, 82% of consumers consider the recommendations of micro-influencers when making decisions. This is the reason why many companies are interested in working with these individuals. By leveraging their position, inbound marketers can build brand awareness, promote content, and connect with customers. Unfortunately, there are still a few restrictions that prevent brands from fully embracing this approach.

Using Video Marketing Across Channels

In addition to being used in various forms of digital marketing, video is also incredibly effective at increasing the number of people who come to your website and social media platforms. It’s not going to change in the future, and it’s very important that you start pushing it to your customers. Having a video is very effective at increasing the number of people who come to your website and social media platforms.

Podcasts and Audiobooks

Aside from video content, interactive audio can also be used to create inbound traffic for marketing leaders. This includes podcasts, talk shows, and audiobooks. Traditional advertising leaned heavily on audio, and radio ads were commonly used to boost brand awareness.

A good podcast can be used by brands to reach out to a wider audience and educate consumers. It can also help them develop effective strategies to increase engagement and reach a more mature audience. If you’re looking to add a new digital marketing show to your roster, check out Thee Digital’s GrowthCast. This podcast will teach you everything you need to know about SEO, PPC, and web design.

Interactive Content

In the past, consumers were used to reading a blog post on a company's website after visiting it. Nowadays, there are countless websites that compete in the same niche, which is reducing the attention spans of readers.

Due to the increasing demand for interaction and control, the use of passive content has been decreasing. Instead, interactive content, which includes graphics, videos, and interactive charts, has become more prevalent. It enables users to make their own decisions and gain insights.

Adding Walkthroughs or step-by-step Content

A well-designed walkthrough can help you get to know the onboarding process in just 10 minutes. It’s a great way to discover all the areas that the developer might not have thought about. This approach can also be used to improve the experience of your offline products.

New users can easily learn how to use software or updates with interactive walkthroughs, which are designed to help them navigate through the various features of a program quickly. Since most of us have become accustomed to using intuitive UIs, it’s easy to figure out what we need with just a few clicks. However, for those packages and apps that aren’t so straightforward to understand, it can take days to learn.

Chatbots & Messaging Apps

Chatbots are an incredibly useful feature, but they are underutilized. In today's world of instant gratification, it's important that your business can provide its customers with the best possible service. Even if you're only selling services, you need to make sure that your customers have the necessary answers to their questions.

Ungated vs. Gated Content

The concept of gated content refers to the hidden content that's behind a form. This strategy lets you collect information about your potential customers in order to generate leads, though it doesn't provide you with the best search engine positioning.

Ungated or open content can be accessed by the public. This type of content can help us improve our SEO and build trust with our users.

Voice Search

Despite the various changes that have occurred in the SEO industry, it is still a must for digital marketers to stay updated with the latest developments. One of the most significant developments that occurred during the past couple of years is the rise of voice search.

The rise of voice search was largely attributed to the emergence of intelligent assistants such as Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant. At first, users were skeptical about the accuracy of these devices. However, due to the hard work and dedication of the developers, the accuracy of these devices has now reached over 90%.


Being competitive means staying up-to-date with the latest marketing trends and what works for other businesses. Having the necessary knowledge and skills to implement these strategies will allow you to grow and become successful. Use these 9 best inbound marketing trends in 2023 to gain more customers and grow your business.

Updated on: 26-Apr-2023


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