8 Video Marketing Trends That You Cannot Ignore in 2023

The rise of video advertising has caused marketers to rethink their strategies. Due to the increasing number of people who are connected through their smartphones and other gadgets, it has become more important than ever for businesses to reach their customers in a timely manner. This has led to the creation of more video campaigns that are relevant to consumers' interests.

One of the most important factors that marketers consider when developing their strategies is staying up-to-date with the latest trends. As video marketing continues to dominate the content marketing landscape, there are a few new developments that are expected to make a significant impact this year.

Over 91% of marketers state that video marketing plays a significant role in their marketing strategy. It is crucial for companies to promote themselves, engage with potential customers, and stay relevant in today's competitive environment. We predict that the following six video marketing trends will have a significant impact online in the upcoming year.

What's Trending for Video in 2023?

A video advertisement is any type of advertisement that appears in a video player. It can include various types of ads, such as pre-roll, post-roll, and mid-roll ads. According to a study conducted by Statista, the digital video ad market is expected to reach over $100 billion in 2024. This provides a huge opportunity for companies to reach their target customers.

Since videos are becoming more prevalent online, it is important for companies to consider using them in 2023. Videos are also preferred content on various platforms, and people tend to watch them wherever they are. In 2023, brands will be able to use video marketing to boost conversions and improve audience engagement.

8 Video Marketing Trends That You Cannot Ignore in 2023

Here, we discuss the eight most prominent trends that will affect the industry in the next year.

Animated Explainer Videos

One of the most effective marketing techniques is animation. You can easily recall Mr. Clean, the brand mascot of Proctor & Gamble, who made his debut in 1958. He has remained one of the industry's most popular characters ever since. He is one of the many examples of how a brand's image can be established through this medium. As the popularity of video platforms such as YouTube continues to grow, we can't ignore the trends in this area.

In 2023, we expect the rise of animated explainer videos to be one of the main marketing trends. In addition to being used to promote their services and products, these types of videos can also be used to onboard new employees and show how they can help customers.

User-Generated Content Goes Interactive

In addition to being used in marketing campaigns, user-generated content (UGC) is also becoming a huge part of the video market. In 2023, it is expected that the rise of customizable videos will make it even more prevalent.

Through the use of "living video" technology, videos can update in real-time based on the information viewers provide. This allows brands to create content that's relevant to their viewers and customized for them. Instead of relying on people to create content, they can empower viewers to be creators themselves.

More Live Video Streaming

In 2023, live video streaming will still be popular, even though it has been around for a while. Twitch TV has promoted it as the most engaging way for people to interact. Although it started as a game streaming site, Twitch has since evolved into a content type that's attracting a wide range of users, including yoga teachers and music performers.

The rise of live streaming has been one of the most talked about developments in the video marketing industry. It’s because it allows brands to connect with their target audiences in a way that’s both authentic and intimate. There are also other ways to connect with them outside of sales talk.

AI Video Expands

The rise of ChatGPT and AI's creative potential has made it clear that videos featuring such technology are on the way. The market for generative AI is expected to reach over $100 billion by 2026.

In 2022, Meta introduced Make-a-Video, a tool that lets users create short videos from text prompts. For instance, if you want to show a dog riding a bike, you can use the tool to create a video of its own. Google then introduced Imagen Video, which shows various objects such as an elephant going under water, a stuffed bear running in traffic, and a wooden boat that's moving into space. Despite the various tools that are available, most text-to-video platforms do not produce videos that are practical for their users.

Video of a Product Demonstration

If you are a startup company that's focused on developing a new product, creating a video showcasing it can be a great way to connect with potential customers and new users. You can also film a dialogue with your existing customers to get a better understanding of how they feel about the product. Then, combine these findings into a single video and post it on your social media channels to reach out to your target market.

Shoppable Videos will make a Big Splash

In 2023, a new marketing trend called shoppable videos will be introduced. These allow viewers to easily purchase products by pointing them to a store. They are very popular on social media and are considered one of the most effective marketing techniques in 2021.

People no longer need to search for a product after watching a video advertisement. They can simply click on the link in the ad to be taken to the landing page. This is an excellent way to boost sales, and it should be tried out.

Short-form and Snackable

Over the past few years, short-form videos have been taking over various platforms, such as YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and more. They are expected to continue growing, as these videos are snackable and can keep viewers interested for a brief amount of time.

Being able to create effective short-form videos is a must for any marketing campaign. In most cases, you’ll only have a couple of seconds to get the viewers’ attention. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways you can utilise audio, text, and visuals to get the job done.

Vloggers will Become Even More Popular

The rise of vlogging has made it one of the most popular ways for brands and influencers to interact with their customers. Before, people would typically vlog about their lives to share their expertise and interact with others. However, now, big brands and influencers are using it to interact with their customers.

Companies use YouTube to share their daily routines, team members' stories, behind-the-scenes moments, and exclusive recipes. One example is Goop, a beauty brand that uses videos to promote its products.


So, here is a comprehensive overview of the most talked-about and significant video marketing trends of the year 2023. We expect that animated explainer videos and live streaming will soon become ubiquitous on our screens. In addition, shoppable videos and multi-part storytelling will also be making waves. We hope you will find this article useful and that it inspires you to devise a strategy to capitalize on these opportunities in the new year.

Updated on: 10-May-2023


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