8 Best MySQLMariaDB GUI Tools for Linux Administrators

MySQL and MariaDB are two of most popular open-source relational database management systems (RDBMS) used by businesses and organizations around world. As a Linux administrator, you need to have right tools to manage these databases efficiently. In this article, we'll take a look at eight best MySQL/MariaDB GUI tools for Linux administrators.


phpMyAdmin is a web-based MySQL/MariaDB GUI tool that allows you to manage databases, tables, and other database objects. It provides a simple and user-friendly interface that makes it easy to manage your databases. With phpMyAdmin, you can perform tasks like creating, deleting, and modifying databases, tables, and fields. It also allows you to import and export data in various formats.

To use phpMyAdmin, you need to install a web server like Apache and PHP on your Linux system. Once you have installed these, you can access phpMyAdmin by opening a web browser and typing in URL http://localhost/phpmyadmin/.

MySQL Workbench

MySQL Workbench is a powerful MySQL/MariaDB GUI tool that provides a graphical interface for database design, development, and administration. It allows you to create and manage databases, tables, and other database objects. You can also perform tasks like importing and exporting data, creating and running SQL queries, and monitoring server performance.

MySQL Workbench is available for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X platforms. It provides a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy to manage your databases.


HeidiSQL is a lightweight and easy-to-use MySQL/MariaDB GUI tool that runs on Windows and Linux. It provides a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy to manage your databases. With HeidiSQL, you can perform tasks like creating and managing databases, tables, and other database objects. You can also import and export data in various formats and run SQL queries.

One of unique features of HeidiSQL is that it allows you to edit data in a grid view. This makes it easy to update and modify data in your database.


DBeaver is a free and open-source MySQL/MariaDB GUI tool that provides a graphical interface for database design, development, and administration. It supports multiple database platforms including MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Oracle.

DBeaver provides a simple and user-friendly interface that makes it easy to manage your databases. It allows you to perform tasks like creating and managing databases, tables, and other database objects. You can also import and export data in various formats and run SQL queries.

One of unique features of DBeaver is that it allows you to connect to multiple databases simultaneously. This makes it easy to manage multiple databases from a single interface.


Navicat is a powerful MySQL/MariaDB GUI tool that provides a graphical interface for database design, development, and administration. It supports multiple database platforms including MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Oracle.

Navicat provides a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy to manage your databases. It allows you to perform tasks like creating and managing databases, tables, and other database objects. You can also import and export data in various formats and run SQL queries.

One of unique features of Navicat is that it provides a built-in SSH tunneling feature. This allows you to connect to your database securely over internet.

Valentina Studio

Valentina Studio is a free and open-source MySQL/MariaDB GUI tool that provides a graphical interface for database design, development, and administration. It supports multiple database platforms including MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MS SQL.

Valentina Studio provides a simple and user-friendly interface that makes it easy to manage your databases. It allows you to perform tasks like creating and managing databases, tables, and other database objects. You can also import and export data in various formats and run SQL queries.

One of unique features of Valentina Studio is that it provides a built-in report designer. This allows you to create custom reports and charts directly from your database.


SQLyog is a MySQL/MariaDB GUI tool that provides a graphical interface for database design, development, and administration. It supports multiple database platforms including MySQL, MariaDB, and Microsoft SQL Server.

SQLyog provides a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy to manage your databases. It allows you to perform tasks like creating and managing databases, tables, and other database objects. You can also import and export data in various formats and run SQL queries.

One of unique features of SQLyog is that it provides a built-in HTTP/HTTPS tunneling feature. This allows you to connect to your database securely over internet.

Sequel Pro

Sequel Pro is a MySQL/MariaDB GUI tool that provides a graphical interface for database design, development, and administration. It runs on Mac OS X and provides a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy to manage your databases.

Sequel Pro allows you to perform tasks like creating and managing databases, tables, and other database objects. You can also import and export data in various formats and run SQL queries. One of unique features of Sequel Pro is that it allows you to connect to your database using an SSH tunnel. This allows you to connect to your database securely over internet.


Adminer is a free and open-source MySQL/MariaDB GUI tool that provides a web-based interface for database management. It is a single PHP file that you can upload to your web server and start using immediately.

Adminer provides a simple and lightweight interface that makes it easy to manage your databases. It allows you to perform tasks like creating and managing databases, tables, and other database objects. You can also import and export data in various formats and run SQL queries.

One of unique features of Adminer is that it supports multiple database platforms including MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, and MS SQL.


MyWebSQL is a free and open-source MySQL/MariaDB GUI tool that provides a web-based interface for database management. It provides a simple and user-friendly interface that makes it easy to manage your databases.

MyWebSQL allows you to perform tasks like creating and managing databases, tables, and other database objects. You can also import and export data in various formats and run SQL queries.

One of unique features of MyWebSQL is that it provides a built-in SQL editor with syntax highlighting and auto-completion. This makes it easy to write and debug SQL queries directly from your browser.

SQLPro Studio

SQLPro Studio is a MySQL/MariaDB GUI tool that provides a graphical interface for database design, development, and administration. It runs on Mac OS X and provides a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy to manage your databases.

SQLPro Studio allows you to perform tasks like creating and managing databases, tables, and other database objects. You can also import and export data in various formats and run SQL queries.

One of unique features of SQLPro Studio is that it provides a built-in visual query builder. This allows you to create complex queries without having to write SQL code manually.

dbForge Studio for MySQL

dbForge Studio for MySQL is a MySQL/MariaDB GUI tool that provides a graphical interface for database design, development, and administration. It provides a range of features and capabilities that can help you manage your databases more efficiently.

dbForge Studio for MySQL allows you to perform tasks like creating and managing databases, tables, and other database objects. You can also import and export data in various formats and run SQL queries. One of unique features of dbForge Studio for MySQL is that it provides a built-in data generator. This allows you to populate your database with test data quickly and easily.


As a Linux administrator, having right MySQL/MariaDB GUI tools can make your job much easier. tools we've covered in this article provide a range of features and capabilities that can help you manage your databases more efficiently. Whether you're looking for a simple and lightweight tool or a more powerful and feature-rich one, there's sure to be a MySQL/MariaDB GUI tool that meets your needs.

Updated on: 20-Apr-2023


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