7 Workout Supplements. Do They Boost Performance?

Many people are willing to pay for a better workout. If you're not one of these people, it might be time to think about the fitness and health benefits of starting up a four-day-a-week workout regimen that didn't cost you a dime. So, whether you're tight on cash or want to sweat without blowing your budget, check out these seven supplements that help boost performance.

'Supplements' may sound like an oxymoron when talking about getting fit. Still, some science backed up by athletes suggests there is truth in the hype: supplements like Alpha Lipoic Acid, Creatine Monohydrate, and Magnesium Oxide can do more than they say. Hence, you can trust them and move ahead with any of them as per your choice.

1. Creatine

Creatine has been around since the day after the 'day after,' and it's a supplement that works. This popular workout supplement gives you more energy, increases your overall strength, improves your speed and endurance, helps you build lean muscle, and can even help you increase your focus during workouts. What's more, research has shown that it reduces fatigue in athletes by about 15%! There are no real side effects to using creatine, and using it regularly can help boost performance in all types of activity, from sprinting to weightlifting. Use 5g per day or 10g on training days for maximum effect.

2. Green Tea Extract

Green tea is a mild stimulant that boosts your metabolism and increases the fat you burn. Energy levels are increased after drinking green tea for about fifty minutes, and the best part about it is that it doesn't affect you as caffeine does. You won't feel jittery or suffer from a typical caffeinated drink crash, and you'll feel more energetic throughout your day. Green tea has also been shown to increase weight loss by as much as 87% in mice, so if you're trying to lose weight and not gain muscle, green tea is a supplement that might be right up your alley. It's also safe during pregnancy and can be taken without side effects.

3. Caffeine

In the 1980s, it was considered a good thing to have too much caffeine in your system, but today the opposite is true. While excess caffeine can lead to insomnia, nervousness, and even heart palpitations, using moderate levels of caffeine has been shown to improve athletic performance in several scenarios. The amount of caffeine you need to take daily usually depends on whether or not you're doing high-intensity workouts (like weightlifting), but it's recommended to take at most 2-3 grams per day (one cup of coffee). Studies have also shown that caffeine can be beneficial in relaxation and stress relief but talk to your doctor before taking too much.

4. Whey Protein

A whey protein supplement is extremely effective in weight loss, building muscle, and gaining muscle mass. One study showed that a whey protein supplement could increase metabolism by up to 40%, which is a massive boost for anyone trying to lose fat and build muscle mass. As with any sports nutrition drink, you should use caution when taking high doses of this supplement, as side effects are possible.

5. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that has been shown to slow down your aging process, and it's also essential for proper bone and muscle health. It can even help with weight loss and muscle building, but too much supplement can lead to uncomfortable side effects like nausea, insomnia, and headaches. The best way to get Vitamin D is by exposing your skin to the sun when it's about 10-15 minutes until you start feeling burning (make sure you're wearing sunscreen if you're going out in the sun). Vitamin D deficiencies are becoming more common due to limited sunshine exposure, which is why supplements might be your answer. Just be wary of the amount of Vitamin D you take, as too much can negatively impact you.

6. Multivitamin

The most common vitamin supplement is the multivitamin. While you don't think that vitamins would help athletic performance, and their primary function is to protect against deficiencies, some research shows that they improve health and overall performance. Studies show that they can increase alertness and concentration and improve recovery time. No matter how much of a multivitamin you take daily, it's important to talk to your doctor before starting any supplement regime so you know how much your body can handle safely.

7. Chromium Picolinate

Chromium Picolinate helps regulate the sugar in your bloodstream and can also increase your daily energy levels. No studies show that chromium supplements improve athletic performance. Still, using more than 200 mcg per day (about half a tablet) is not recommended when taking this supplement. Chromium is popular among people who are trying to build muscle mass as well as those who are trying to lose weight and build lean muscle. It's also an excellent supplement for women trying to reduce their calorie intake, and it's incredibly safe to take daily.


It is essential to note that although using these supplements regularly can improve your athletic performance and overall health, experts only advise their use for those who have at least had one consultation with their primary care physician. Before utilizing any of the supplements listed above, you should consult with your primary care physician if you have any pre-existing issues to see whether or not it is safe for you. If you have difficulty losing weight and building muscle on your own, it is in your best interest to seek the guidance of a nutritionist specializing in sports.

When used responsibly, these supplements can help you improve your athletic performance, increase your energy levels, and even help you build lean muscle mass without increasing your overall body weight. Utilize them as a component of a healthy diet and exercise routine that allows for enough amounts of rest. These dietary supplements have the potential to be incredibly helpful if they are consumed daily and with proper care.

Updated on: 03-Feb-2023


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