7 Ways Digital Marketing is Changing the Landscape of Marketing

Digital marketing has transformed the way advertisers used to promote their brands and goods or services. By implementing intelligent technologies and tools, eCommerce businesses can target their audience better than ever, and deliver higher customer experiences.

Digital marketing is a form of marketing that uses electronic devices to promote one’s products and services, usually over the Internet. It uses different digital channels, like websites, social media platforms, mobile applications, search engines, online videos, display ads, emails, text messages, and more. Online marketing involves multiple stages, such as researching, promoting, selling, and finally, delivery or distribution.

7 Ways Digital Transformation is Changing Marketing

Did you know that 4.9 billion people globally use the Internet every day? It makes up about 62% of the world’s population. Imagine the immense marketing possibilities for e-commerce merchants! The seven most effective ways digital marketing is changing the game of marketing are listed as follows.

1. Target the Right Audience

Targeting the right audience is an art, as one can achieve it efficiently only by creating and developing impactful and engaging content, ad messages, and campaigns. Using the right keywords at the right place is also critical in reaching the appropriate audience. The greatest benefit of online advertising is that you can reach the ideal audience by implementing the right (Google-complaint) strategies. This is the core concept of any form of marketing, and it ensures that your budget is not wasted on reaching the wrong audience.

2. Enhances Market Reach

Digital marketing is entirely an online activity and, therefore, has a greater potential of reaching a large audience base across different nations. As a result, startups and small businesses can get a golden opportunity to boost their market reach by gaining wide exposure, as opposed to traditional marketing, which has its geographical limitations.

Moreover, digital marketing has improved interactivity with prospective buyers and helped marketers build strong customer relationships. It helps improve brand awareness and trust, thus influencing the audience’s buying decisions. This, in turn, helps ecommerce grow and generate higher ROI.

Digital platforms are ensuring better connections with consumers as they can interact with each other in real-time over various platforms, such as social media, website chat, emails, live videos, and more. It enables potential buyers to hear the voice behind a brand, thus increasing brand awareness. In other words, through interactive communication, your customers can start identifying your brand by associating it with a thing they love or relate to. In the long run, it creates a buzz around your product or service, thus increasing brand loyalty.

3. Measurable Results

The most important factor distinguishing digital marketing from traditional marketing is that the results of every strategy or campaign you implement are quantifiable. You can track how your campaigns or ads are performing through efficient and real-time data analytical tools, such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, etc. Using the key performance metrics based on your online marketing goals and objectives, you can monitor the outcomes of your campaigns.

By gaining accurate insights, you can understand which strategies and ad campaigns are working and which are not. You can also identify potential loopholes in any strategy and, hence, correct them on time to boost outcomes. Besides, from data analytics, you can also learn some vital market information, such as −

  • where your customers are coming from

  • which keywords are performing the best

  • what are your consumers’ buying patterns?

  • your page views

  • the number of leads generated

  • the conversion rates

  • number of returning customers

  • cost per lead

  • click-through rates and more.

Contrastingly, in traditional marketing, you can only ask a few questions like “How did you find us?” or “What products do you love?”. That’s why digital marketing has an extensive scope of doing business, as it allows marketers to gain a complete understanding of the market demands and competition.

4. Cost-efficient

If you use the right channels, digital marketing can be way more cost-effective than traditional marketing. For example, you can generate website traffic and leads organically by putting up your official brand website or blog page.

You can eliminate all the hefty overhead costs levied on offline marketing channels, including television slots, newspaper or magazine ads, radio minutes, billboards, banners, hoardings, and others. On top of that, these traditional marketing efforts are limited to a specific geographic area, thus limiting your reach.

On the other hand, you can reach a broader market by investing very little, such as in developing your brand’s web portal, running ad campaigns, investing in some SEO and data analytical tools, and getting a powerful internet connection. Besides, you can gain more flexibility in adjusting your bids and spends for your ad campaigns while gathering vital customer data, which is hard to get in traditional marketing. Using this customer data, you can create personalized messages and develop re-targeted ads to boost your visibility and reach.

5. Offers Greater Personalization

Since digital marketing enables you to gather crucial customer data, such as their name, contact details, demographics, buying patterns, likes, preferences, etc., you can create better-targeted ad campaigns to reach the right audience. You can create personalized emails and SMS texts to provide discounts and offers on their birthdays, anniversaries, etc. In other words, digital marketing enables you to create customized ad messages, making customers think that you really care about their needs and concerns.

6. Boost Brand Loyalty

eCommerce brands that are digitally active, with their regular updates on blog pages and social media posts, can gain higher trust and credibility in the market. Keeping your customers updated increases your visibility and reputation among your target audience and improves your site rankings. Google and other search engines prefer those websites that provide high user experiences with impactful, engaging, and informative content, thus ranking you favorably on the search engine results pages (SERPs).

7. Effective Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis is a crucial part of any marketing strategy, as it enables businesses to understand their current market standing. Besides, it also helps digital marketers identify their strengths and weaknesses compared to their rivals. By performing competitor analysis, eCommerce merchants can keep track of the keywords they are ranking for and also understand the type of content their customers are preferring.

By determining the keywords your competitors are working on, you can choose the keywords that have less competition, thus gaining an upper hand in your target market. Furthermore, you can train your digital marketing team to monitor marketing strategies, metrics, and ad campaigns of your rivals, thus making necessary improvements in your approaches.

Final Words

To conclude, digital marketing has taken the world of marketing to a new level and has huge potential in the upcoming years. Successful marketing is a combination of multiple tactics and actions. Since digital marketing offers higher opportunities, online marketers can achieve greater success compared to traditional marketing techniques. We hope the above approaches will help you make smarter decisions and transform your marketing styles to boost business growth!

Updated on: 10-Apr-2023


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