60 Hz vs 144 Hz Does it matter


When it comes to gaming monitors, one of key specifications that is often discussed is refresh rate. A monitor's refresh rate determines how many times per second screen is updated with new information. two most popular refresh rates are 60 Hz and 144 Hz. While many gamers swear by benefits of a 144 Hz monitor, others argue that difference is negligible. In this article, we will explore differences between 60 Hz and 144 Hz and help you decide which one is right for you.

What is Refresh Rate?

Before we delve deeper into topic, let's first understand what refresh rate means. Refresh rate is number of times per second that a monitor updates screen with new information. It is measured in Hertz (Hz). A 60 Hz monitor updates screen 60 times per second, while a 144 Hz monitor updates screen 144 times per second.

The Importance of Refresh Rate

A monitor's refresh rate can have a significant impact on your gaming experience. A higher refresh rate means that screen updates more frequently, resulting in smoother and more fluid gameplay. This can be particularly noticeable in fast-paced games where quick reflexes are required. A higher refresh rate also reduces screen tearing, a phenomenon where image on screen appears to be split into two or more sections, resulting in a jagged and uneven display.

60 Hz vs. 144 Hz

Now that we've discussed what refresh rate is and why it matters, let's compare 60 Hz and 144 Hz monitors. main difference between these two refresh rates is number of times per second that screen refreshes its image. A 60 Hz monitor refreshes image 60 times per second, while a 144 Hz monitor refreshes image 144 times per second.


One of most noticeable differences between 60 Hz and 144 Hz monitors is smoothness of image. A higher refresh rate means that there are more images being displayed per second, which results in a smoother and more fluid experience. This is particularly noticeable in fast-paced games or videos, where a lower refresh rate can result in motion blur or stuttering.

For example, if you're playing a fast-paced game like Fortnite, a 144 Hz monitor will provide a much smoother and more fluid experience than a 60 Hz monitor. higher refresh rate means that images on screen will update more quickly, which can help you react more quickly to changes in game.

Input Lag

Another important factor to consider when comparing 60 Hz and 144 Hz monitors is input lag. Input lag is delay between when you perform an action (such as clicking a mouse button) and when you see result on screen. A higher refresh rate can reduce input lag, which can be particularly important for competitive gaming.

For example, if you're playing a first-person shooter like Call of Duty, a 144 Hz monitor can give you a slight advantage over a 60 Hz monitor. higher refresh rate means that you'll see changes on screen more quickly, which can help you react more quickly to enemy movements or changes in environment.


One of main drawbacks of 144 Hz monitors is their price. These monitors are generally more expensive than 60 Hz monitors, which can make them a less attractive option for some users. However, price difference between 60 Hz and 144 Hz monitors has decreased in recent years, making them more accessible to a wider range of users.


Another factor to consider when choosing between a 60 Hz and 144 Hz monitor is compatibility. Not all computers or graphics cards are capable of supporting a 144 Hz refresh rate. If your computer or graphics card doesn't support 144 Hz, you may not be able to take advantage of benefits of a higher refresh rate.

For example, if you have an older computer or graphics card, it may only be able to support a maximum refresh rate of 60 Hz. In this case, upgrading to a 144 Hz monitor may not provide any noticeable benefits.

Eye Strain

Some users report that higher refresh rates can reduce eye strain, especially during long gaming or work sessions. This is because a higher refresh rate can reduce flicker and motion blur, which can be tiring for eyes. However, extent to which higher refresh rates reduce eye strain can vary depending on user.

For example, if you work or game for long periods of time and experience eye strain, a 144 Hz monitor may be worth considering. However, if you don't experience eye strain, a 60 Hz monitor may be sufficient for your needs.

Is 144 Hz Worth It?

So, is a 144 Hz monitor worth extra money? answer depends on several factors, such as types of games you play, your budget, and hardware you have. If you're a serious gamer who plays fast-paced games, such as first-person shooters, a 144 Hz monitor can make a significant difference in your gaming experience. If you're on a tight budget or don't play games that require lightning-fast reflexes, a 60 Hz monitor might be a better option.

Ultimately, decision between a 60 Hz and a 144 Hz monitor depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you're a serious gamer who values smooth and fluid gameplay, a 144 Hz monitor is a worthy investment. However, if you're on a tight budget or don't play fast-paced games, a 60 Hz monitor may be sufficient.

Regardless of which refresh rate you choose, it's important to remember that a monitor is just one aspect of your gaming setup. Other factors, such as your computer's hardware and internet connection, can also affect your gaming experience.


So, does it matter whether you choose a 60 Hz or 144 Hz monitor? answer is, it depends on your needs and preferences. A 144 Hz monitor can provide a smoother and more fluid experience, reduce input lag, and potentially reduce eye strain. However, these benefits come at a higher cost and may not be noticeable or necessary for all users.

If you're a competitive gamer or work with fast-paced videos, a 144 Hz monitor may be a good investment. However, if you're a casual user who primarily uses your computer for web browsing and productivity tasks, a 60 Hz monitor may be sufficient for your needs.

Ultimately, decision of whether to choose a 60 Hz or 144 Hz monitor will depend on your specific needs and budget. Whichever option you choose, make sure to do your research and choose a monitor that meets your needs and provides an enjoyable viewing experience.

Updated on: 27-Sep-2023


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