6 Signs its More Than a Cold

When you're feeling under the weather, it's natural to want to stay in bed with your favorite blanket and avoid going to the doctor as much as possible. This is a bad idea. This method could be fine for treating a minor illness like a cold, but it will not be very effective for treating more serious conditions. Diseases that eventually become serious are often misdiagnosed as less severe and ignored for too long.

The common cold is the beginning stage of the majority of severe diseases. How can you determine the difference between having a cold and a condition that needs medical attention? These six warning indicators indicate that you require more than cold therapy for your disease.

1. You Have a High Fever!

When it comes to the severity of an illness, a fever greater than 102 degrees indicates something more serious than a common cold, and this is especially true in cases when an adult is affected. Even while a mild fever may help your immune system eliminate germs and viruses, you must contact a medical practitioner to address any underlying disorders. Only a medical professional can provide this treatment. Despite this, it is imperative that you seek the advice of a qualified medical practitioner as soon as possible.

2. Rebound sickness

If your immune system has been compromised by a mild illness, a "superinfection," a more severe secondary infection, might set in. To put it another way, superinfections are more common in those with compromised immune systems. It's possible that you have contracted a "superinfection" if you become ill, recover, and then get sick again. Superinfections pose a unique threat since they may easily transmit from one person to another. It's likely that your body's immune system has been taxed and that another infection has taken hold.

The delicate equilibrium of the natural flora in your body, which was what kept you healthy and protected you from sickness, was disturbed just a little bit, which allowed other pathogens to make their way into your system. Nevertheless, it's possible that you were exposed to a different virus, which caused you to become unwell a second time. In any case, he suggested that you make an appointment with your primary care physician in order to determine whether or not you are suffering from any condition that might be potentially fatal.

3. Excruciating Headaches

If you suffer from headaches that are so severe that they make it impossible for you to concentrate or think clearly, you need to arrange an appointment with a qualified medical professional as soon as you can. This symptom may be related to meningitis or another ailment that affects the central nervous system. Any of these conditions may be the cause. Meningitis is characterized by a number of symptoms, the most common of which are a hazy mental state and a sense of lightheadedness. Meningitis may be treated with antibiotics. Instead of pushing yourself to suffer through the pain, you should pick up the phone and schedule an appointment with a specialist.

4. Having the sensation of being "Run over by a Freight train."

Get medical attention if you are so exhausted and weak that getting out of bed is a herculean effort. The flu is an infectious respiratory illness that is caused by a virus. Symptoms of the flu include exhaustion and pains in the muscles. In contrast to what most people believe, there are things that may be done by your doctor to make the symptoms of the flu more bearable for you. For instance, your doctor may decide to give an antiviral medicine that, in addition to reducing the severity of your symptoms, also shortens the length of your illness. Moreover, it protects the flu from creating severe complications, such as those involving the lungs.

5. Being Diagnosed with a Chronic Disease

Those who have significant health issues such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, or renal irregularities should see the doctor, even if they just have the symptoms of a cold. Take the old saying into consideration: "it is better to be safe than sorry." "It makes no difference to me whether you think it's a cold or not; I'd still prefer to see you even if you don't think it is. Those who have diabetes may have trouble controlling the quantity of sugar that is in their blood while they are sick with other conditions, for example. Being checked up by a physician helps prevent the occurrence of any other problems.

6. Anxiety and racing heart

When illness is accompanied by arrhythmia, it may indicate something much more dangerous, such as dehydration or a virus that is attacking the heart or the lining of the heart. The vast majority of people don't give having an irregular heartbeat very much thought, but when illness is accompanied by arrhythmia, it may indicate something much more dangerous. Those heart palpitations are a warning indication of something more challenging, like a pulmonary embolism (a blood clot that travels to the lungs).

7. Bonus Tips

If you have come to the conclusion that seeing a physician is the best course of action for you to take, you can help the physician arrive at an accurate diagnosis by giving as much information as you can about your symptoms and the circumstances surrounding them. One of the most important things that a patient can do is to have an open line of communication with their physician and to be completely forthcoming with them about everything that is taking place.


Make sure to specify all of the medications that you are presently taking, regardless of whether they are over-the-counter or prescription, and offer a detailed description of each and every one of your symptoms. In addition, be sure to bring attention to any recent out-of-the-ordinary behaviors you've carried out. Don't be alarmed if some aspects of your health condition seem odd to you; it's most likely that your doctor has dealt with them all previously in some capacity.

Updated on: 04-Apr-2023


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