6 Foods That Tend to Spike Blood Sugar

For those who don't know, blood sugar is the amount of glucose present in the blood; it is a metabolic compound produced by the liver, muscle, and fat cells. Blood sugar serves as energy for cells in the body. One of our most common uses for blood sugar is to regulate appetite and maintain body weight by controlling insulin release from pancreatic beta cells.

In healthy people without any diseases or health problems, the average blood sugar level should be between 70-120 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter). When levels are between 140-200 mg/dL, we can say someone has hyperglycemia or high blood sugar levels. The first symptom of hyperglycemia is usually excess urination and thirst. Other symptoms include dizziness, drowsiness, blurred vision, fatigue, and weakness. If the blood sugar level is higher than 250 mg/dL, it is a medical emergency as it can lead to coma or death.

People, since the old days, have believed that carbohydrates cause higher blood sugar levels. More recent studies show that fiber intake sometimes has significant effects in an increase in blood sugar levels. With all the carbohydrates we eat and drink every day (soda pop, bread, pasta, and fruits are all high in carbohydrates), it's no wonder our diets are making us chronically sicker than ever before!

Top 6 Foods That Tend to Spike Blood Sugar Levels

1. Sugars

Sugar is the most common cause of high blood sugar levels. Plant-based foods such as fruit, juice, milk, honey, and many vegetables contain high sugar levels. Most of these foods contain a large amount of fiber and starch, which increases the blood sugar level by slowing down the insulin release by the pancreas. That is why eating too many carbohydrates without proteins can be dangerous! Make sure you eat plenty of lean proteins, raw vegetables, and citrus fruits at all times!

2. Grains

Grains are the most common source of sugar in the human diet, which is why we must avoid them at any cost! Wheat, corn, and rice are all grains that tend to spike blood sugar levels. The reason is that the body uses more insulin to digest these foods than it needs. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, eliminate all carbohydrates from your diet! Eating only whole grains is also good, as our bodies cannot easily digest them. This dramatically reduces blood sugar levels!

3. Red Meat

Red Meat is another typical food that can cause blood sugar spikes. Even if you cook the meat, it will spike your blood sugar level! Eliminate red meats and all other high-fat food from your diet to reduce blood sugar levels.

4. Dairy Products

Dairy products are trendy because they are very high in fat and calories but also contain lactose, raising blood sugar levels! If you want to lose weight, drink low-fat milk to limit your appetite, limit the number of dairy products you eat, and eat small portions at a time.

5. Processed Foods

These are the worst foods you can eat in your diet. These include potato chips, fast food, pop-tarts, cookies, and other snacks! They are very high in carbohydrates that digest quickly, causing the pancreas to raise more insulin to handle this sudden increase which can cause blood sugar levels to spike! Eliminate these foods from your diet immediately!

6. Oils

Oleic acid is an unsaturated fatty acid found in olive oil, cottonseed oil, and other oils such as corn oil. This fat metabolizes slowly in the body, so we must limit them to prevent blood sugar levels from rising. One olive oil-based salad will reduce your blood sugar level by 67 mg/dL!

It all comes down to what you eat and how you eat, so be aware of these foods and ensure you do not overfeed carbohydrates, fats, or sugars. Your health is at stake!

Other than food, various things can affect your blood sugar level. Some of the other common causes of blood sugar are mentioned here.

Excessive alcohol consumption can increase blood sugar levels. Alcohol is diuretic, so it causes your kidneys to reabsorb water, which can cause your blood sugar level to rise rapidly. Recent studies show that people with diabetes are more likely to have alcoholism than other groups. This has prompted physicians to start giving their patients the option of alcohol detoxification therapy when they suspect diabetes in their patients. Detoxification therapy aims to reduce the number of diuretic products excreted by the body in urine, thereby simultaneously reducing urine and blood sugar levels. The increased blood sugar can also affect the heart, causing an abnormal heartbeat (arrhythmia) or lack of blood flow to the heart (myocardial ischemia).

Other factors of high blood sugar include hormonal imbalances, pregnancy (gestational diabetes), and certain medications such as corticosteroids. For a long time, doctors have prescribed anti-diabetes medications to lower blood sugar levels, but it is now known that treating blood sugar levels will not stop the disease. In some cases, anti-diabetes medications can lead to many other health problems, including obesity and high blood pressure. Thus, the only way to maintain good health without requiring drugs is to adopt a healthy lifestyle!

One of the most effective ways of reducing high blood diabetes levels is fiber intake. Eating fiber helps to reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes by up to 50%. Fiber helps you feel full and helps your digestive system function normally. When we talk about blood sugar, the first thing that comes to mind is diabetes. But, in reality, blood sugar can also be a symptom of many other diseases than diabetes. Hypertension (high blood pressure), congestive heart failure, and kidney problems are also causes of high blood sugar.

For all these reasons, you must monitor your blood sugar levels and take action to control them!


Hence, it is essential to maintain the blood sugar level in the body by choosing your meals carefully. The best way to do this is to avoid foods that are difficult to digest and eat smaller portions of food at a time. This will gradually change your blood sugar level and make it healthier!

Updated on: 17-Feb-2023


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