5G Networks and IoT

The fourth industrial revolution is influencing every element of existence. New technologies emerge at a rapid pace. 5G networks and the Internet of Things (IoT) are two buzzwords in today's society that are becoming increasingly frequently used. You've probably seen them referenced on social media. So, what exactly is 5G? What is the Internet of Things (IoT)? What do these have in common, and what are their consequences? Let's take a closer look at 5G networks and IoT with Speranza today.

What is the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things is a network of physical devices that are connected via the Internet. Smart household products, such as printers, televisions, and wearables, to complex industrial gear and tools,, are all examples of these gadgets. They can communicate data with each other or other IoT systems without the need for human involvement, thanks to a variety of sensors, embedded software, and other technologies.

Building this is difficult due to several rigorous criteria, such as the necessity for each object to have an identification, the system's ability to manage, protect, and cooperate, and so on.

How 5G Networks Affect the Internet of Things Revolution

To begin with, 5G networks will hasten the rise of IoT by allowing for greater data transfer speeds. When compared to the previous generation, communication latency (ping) would be drastically decreased. In terms of the number of devices linked in a network, 5G has ten times the bandwidth of 4G.

With numerous devices that demand high accuracy, such as medical care, self-driving vehicles, industrial automation, and so on, the global IoT system will thrive over time. This need can only be met by 5G networks that are particularly developed and offer significant benefits.

The impact of 5G and IoT on people's lives

According to Oracle, the world today has roughly 10 billion IoT devices, with a goal of reaching 30 billion by 2025. This is a massive statistic that demonstrates the IoT's widespread adoption. Consumers will spend more than $14 trillion on IoT devices and services by 2026, according to a report. Many major organizations will also utilize more connected devices to track operations and improve processes. Remote monitoring, asset tracking, and smart building management are expected to be the top three IoT solutions for businesses.

At the same time, 5G networks are receiving a lot of attention, with around one-fifth of the world's countries deploying them. Viettel and Vinaphone are studying 5G networks in Vietnam, and the smartphone 5G can currently be used in Ho Chi Minh City.

Governments are investing in 5G and IoT technologies with the objective of creating smart cities with 5G-enabled IoT infrastructure. This aids in the reduction of crime, the growth of small companies, and the improvement of the environment.

5G has the potential to alter the Internet of Things in a variety of ways

Traffic Control is improvised by integrating AI

IoT-enabled 5G networks enable automobiles to interact with one other and their surroundings, lowering the chance of accidents and allowing more efficient traffic models. By minimizing the length of time cars must wait in line at traffic lights, the combination of these variables can reduce traffic congestion, minimize commute times, and save energy.

Great Network Reliability

5G networks will perform more dependably and generate more solid connections in addition to increasing speed. For any IoT, especially for connected devices like locks, security cameras, and other surveillance systems that require real-time updates, a reliable and robust network connection is critical. Consumers can benefit from increased device dependability because of the 5G network's capacity to handle many connected devices. The high-speed, very low latency, and increased coverage that next-generation networks provide will be critical for IoT devices. Manufacturers must first invest in the development of 5G-compatible products in order to benefit from these advancements.

Speeds up Data Transfer

Any IoT's commercial success is ultimately determined by its performance, which is determined by how well it can connect other IoT devices, smartphones and tablets, software in the form of an application or website, and more. The data transfer rate will dramatically rise with 5G. 5G is considered to be 10 times faster than existing LTE networks. IoT devices will be able to transmit data faster than ever before because of the increased speed.


Telehealth is vulnerable to outages and inadequate connectivity for those who need it the most, such as people in remote regions where a doctor may be an hour distant.

5G will boost Internet speeds in such distant places, perhaps allowing skilled surgeons to collaborate with robots in small rural clinics. It will also allow individuals to detect infectious ailments remotely, without having to go to an office or hospital and risk spreading them. Robust health monitors are projected to enhance patient participation and results while also lowering hospital expenses, freeing up funds that may be spent elsewhere.

Supply Chain Integration

Thanks to the Internet of Things, factories and warehouses are already using real-time monitoring to control inventories and track components, goods, and equipment throughout the manufacturing process. 5G provides the capacity to trace a product from manufacturing to end-user without adding or deleting it from the system, as well as alert the seller when the goods will be dispatched. Improve customer service and decrease product losses while on the go.

Updated on: 16-Mar-2022


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