5 Weird Things Running Does to Your Body

“Running may significantly impact one's body's health, regardless of speed.”

A common kind of exercise is jogging or running. At least once in their lives, one in five persons tries running (or jogging). Running is a desirable exercise since it doesn't cost much to participate in, and you can run whenever it's convenient for you.  Some walkers decide to take part in marathons, sports competitions, or recreational races.

Numerous health advantages come from regular jogging or running. Running could −

  • As it involves muscle strength, it aids in developing strong bones.

  • It also strengthens muscles and improves cardiovascular health.

  • You are burning a lot of calories to keep your weight in check.

Lower life expectancy, coronary artery disease, diabetes, hypertension, and stroke are all linked to sedentary behavior. Lack of physical activity causes the body to adapt quickly, significantly lowering life expectancy. It is also the root source of the majority of chronic illnesses.

Running is a regular physical exercise that enhances the quality of life and personality, improving health and emotional health.

Research in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology examined more than 55,000 runners between 18 and 100. It concluded that even jogging for 5 to 10 minutes each day at modest rates exhibited a substantial decrease in the probability of heart disease.

In reality, research demonstrates that our bodies and muscles are inherently designed for traveling extensive distances over an extended length of time. Even though it is a fundamental biological motion, running can cause some bizarre incidents to occur to us. Researchers interpret the surprising adverse effects of hitting the streets, from chafing to many more significant problems, and the steps you can take to avoid them.

The Runner's Knee

Runners who attempt to perform excessively too quickly may have patellofemoral pain syndrome, sometimes termed runner's knee.

Running comes with specific concerns, including an elevated risk of strain injuries since it puts more strain on your bones, muscles, tendons, joints, ligaments, and cartilage, including your knees. The area behind or immediately behind the kneecap hurts from the runner's knee. If the pain is terrible, you could experience it constantly; if it's less harmful, it might only occur after prolonged jogging, squatting, going up or down stairs, or lengthy periods of resting with knees bent.

As soon as the discomfort starts, you should stop running. Then gradually build up your distance and pace by starting with brisk walking. According to doctors, only a 10% weekly rise in each of these factors is advised. It's essential to consult your doctor if the discomfort persists despite a few days of rest from jogging.

Additionally, warm up before jogging and include leg-strengthening activities in your fitness program to improve the muscles that support the knee.

Toenails Become Black

How do long-distance runners get their toenails to turn black? The reason for it is bleeding that has occurred under the nail.

Longer toenails and footwear that is improperly fitting or too tiny are frequently to blame. Your toenails may produce various areas of force within the shoe when they strike various impact sites, putting stress on that region. Over time, the constant rubbing damages the toes enough to bruise or bleed them. You may avoid the issue by wearing the proper size shoes and not stepping up exercise too rapidly.

Blisters and black nails are typical outcomes of wearing too-small shoes, among the ailments that might result. Your feet expand a little bit as you run, and your toes may scrape against the tops of your footwear. Blood blisters that are formed under the toenails as a result of constant scratching might appear black. Sometimes toenails can be peeled off.

Ensure your toenails are cut, your running shoes are comfortable, and you aren't performing continuous strenuous exercise. If you've followed all of these instructions carefully and you're still having trouble, consider going to a shoe retailer that sells footwear based on an analysis of your foot. If you can't find one nearby, go internet for running-specific retailers as they frequently offer advice on choosing shoes.


Chafing is a common occurrence among runners. It can be uncomfortable and painful, similar to a burn. It happens when clothes rub excessively on a runner's chest, underarms, thighs, or crotch. In extreme circumstances, the rubbing may be so harsh that it cracks the skin, causing delicate parts like the nipples to bleed. Usually, the issue worsens as you run farther or for a more extended amount of time. A discomfort that increases with rubbing. However, the problem might also decline due to heat, dampness, and certain textiles. Chafing on the delicate skin of the nipples is common for males who run. Along with the pubic area, another region of sensitive skin, women frequently complain of chafing. Chafing, however, may undoubtedly happen in other locations, such as between the thighs, armpits, or any place in the groin region where the cloth is brushing on the skin or other tissue.

To prevent it, petroleum jelly or bandages can be applied to chafe-prone skin regions. Wear garments designed from wicking materials to preserve the area around your undergarments line.

Cough and Cold Symptoms

You've probably experienced post-run sneezing. After jogging, it's typical to experience a runny or stuffy nose, whooping cough, or a sore throat, especially during the colder months.

As the lungs require a specific amount of humidity, cold air can restrict airways and the nasopharynx, and dry air can irritate them. In contrast to the humid summer months, breathing in the cold might be more difficult.

Running doesn't just cause cold-like effects on outdoor kilometers. Low humidity can induce coughing and constriction of the lungs inside the house. The dry, hot air in indoor facilities frequently causes itchy throats and aching lungs in undergraduate and graduate runners participating in indoor track events. Before starting on the treadmill or track, put a pack of cold pills in your backpack to prevent this.

Gastrointestinal Issues

The presence of gastrointestinal problems is another potential adverse effect of dehydration. Dehydration can affect how the gastrointestinal and digestive systems function, making your intestines more agitated as you move a lot during running. It may be beneficial to remember to stay hydrated both before and after a lengthy run.

It's typical for runners to have stomach discomfort even when fully hydrated.  The body and internal organs bounce about as you run, which might reduce blood supply to the intestines and interfere with the bowels' natural hormone synthesis. All of these factors could lead to digestive problems.

Avoid eating unfamiliar meals before, during, or after a race. Before a run, it's essential to figure out what works for you regarding energy gels, protein bars, and sports drinks because not all runners' stomachs react well to them.


You may perform many other types of exercise, but if you want a muscular physique and an endorphin rush, jogging is ideal. If you've never run, ease into it, take it slow, and pay attention to your body. Eat a healthy diet generally and engage in some cross-training for balance. You can achieve your ideal running form.

Updated on: 01-Feb-2023


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