5 Ways to Find a ‘Binary Command’ Description and Location on File System

Have you ever encountered a binary command and wondered where it's located on your file system? A binary command is a compiled program that you can run in your terminal. It's easy to get lost in maze of directories on your computer, but fear not, we have compiled five ways to find a binary command's description and location on your file system.

Use "which" Command

The "which" command is a simple but effective way to locate a binary command's location. It will tell you full path of command you are looking for. Simply open up your terminal and type −

which <command>

For example, if you're looking for location of "ls" command, type −

which ls

This will output location of "ls" command, which is usually located in /bin/ directory.

Use "whereis" Command

The "whereis" command is similar to "which" command, but it also provides additional information, such as location of binary, source files, and man page. To use "whereis" command, simply open up your terminal and type −

whereis <command>

For example, if you're looking for location of "gcc" command, type −

whereis gcc

This will output location of "gcc" command, as well as location of source files and man page.

Use "locate" Command

The "locate" command is a powerful tool for finding files on your system. It works by indexing your file system and creating a database of all files on your computer. To use "locate" command, simply open up your terminal and type −

locate <command>

For example, if you're looking for location of "grep" command, type −

locate grep

This will output a list of all files on your computer that contain word "grep" in their name or path. You can then narrow down your search by looking for files that are located in /bin/ directory.

Use "find" Command

The "find" command is another powerful tool for finding files on your system. It works by searching for files that match a certain set of criteria. To use "find" command, simply open up your terminal and type −

find / -name <command>

For example, if you're looking for location of "curl" command, type −

find / -name curl

This will search your entire file system for files that are named "curl". It may take a few minutes to complete, so be patient. Once search is complete, you can narrow down your search by looking for files that are located in /bin/ directory.

Use "dpkg" Command

The "dpkg" command is a package manager for Debian-based systems. It allows you to search for packages that contain a specific binary command. To use "dpkg" command, simply open up your terminal and type −

dpkg -S <command>

For example, if you're looking for package that contains "tar" command, type −

dpkg -S tar

This will output package that contains "tar" command, as well as location of package on your file system.

Here are some additional tips and tricks for finding binary commands on your file system −

Use Tab Completion

Most shells (such as Bash) have tab completion built-in. This means that you can start typing a command and then press "Tab" key to see a list of available options. This can be a quick way to find a command that you know first few letters of, without having to type out full command.

Check Your PATH Environment Variable

When you run a command in your terminal, your shell looks for that command in a list of directories called "PATH". You can see directories in your PATH by typing "echo $PATH" in your terminal. If you're having trouble finding a command, it may be because it's not in one of directories in your PATH.

Use Package Managers

If you're using a package manager (such as apt or Homebrew), you can search for packages that contain a specific command. For example, you can use "apt search <command>" on Ubuntu to search for packages that contain a command. Once you've found package, you can use package manager to install it.

Look for Symbolic Links

Sometimes, binary commands are actually symbolic links to another binary file. For example, "python" command might actually be a symbolic link to "python3" binary. To see if a command is a symbolic link, use "ls -l" command and look for an arrow (->) between command name and actual file name.

Use Online Resources

If you're having trouble finding a command, it can be helpful to search online for information about it. Many commands have online documentation that can provide information about their location and usage.

Use "type" Command

"type" command is similar to "which" command, but it also tells you whether command is a built-in command, a function, or an alias. To use "type" command, simply open up your terminal and type −

type <command>

For example, if you're looking for type of "echo" command, type −

type echo

This will output whether "echo" is a built-in command, a function, or an alias, as well as location of binary file, if it is a command.

Check System Documentation

Many operating systems have documentation that can help you locate specific commands. For example, on Unix-based systems, you can use "man" command to access system's manual pages, which provide detailed information about commands and their usage. You can also search online for documentation about specific commands.

Use GUI File Managers

If you're not comfortable using command line, you can use a graphical file manager to search for commands. Most file managers allow you to search for files by name, so you can simply enter name of command you're looking for and see if it appears in search results.

Check Your Shell Configuration Files

If you're using a customized shell configuration (such as a .bashrc or .zshrc file), it's possible that location of binary commands has been changed. Check your configuration files to see if there are any aliases or changes to PATH environment variable that could be affecting location of commands.

It's worth noting that location of binary commands may vary depending on your operating system and version of software you are using. While commands we've listed here are common and widely available, it's always a good idea to check documentation for your specific system if you are having trouble locating a particular command.

In addition to these methods, there are other ways to find information about binary commands on your file system. For example, you can use "man" command to read manual pages for a command, which provides detailed information about how to use it. You can also use "info" command to access additional documentation about a command.


Finding location of a binary command on your file system can be a daunting task, but with these five methods, you'll be able to find location of any command in no time. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a casual computer user, these methods are simple and easy to use. Using "which" command or "whereis" command is quickest and easiest way to find location of a binary command. However, if you are having trouble locating command, "locate" command, "find" command, and "dpkg" command are powerful tools that can help you in your search.

Overall, being able to locate binary commands on your file system is an important skill for any computer user or developer. With methods we've outlined here, you'll be able to find location of any command you need quickly and easily. Happy command-line exploring!

Updated on: 11-Apr-2023

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