5 Useful Tools to Monitor MongoDB Performance

As more and more businesses are shifting to MongoDB for their database management, it is important to keep a close eye on its performance. Monitoring MongoDB performance can help you identify any potential issues, prevent downtime, and improve overall efficiency of your database.

Here are 5 useful tools to monitor MongoDB performance −

MongoDB Compass

MongoDB Compass is a visual tool that provides a comprehensive view of your MongoDB database. It allows you to monitor performance of your MongoDB instance in real-time, with metrics such as disk usage, memory usage, and network traffic.

With MongoDB Compass, you can also identify slow-running queries and optimize them for better performance. It provides a detailed breakdown of execution plan of a query, allowing you to see which indexes are being used and how much time is spent in each stage of query.

For example, suppose you have a collection that stores customer orders. You can use MongoDB Compass to analyze performance of queries that retrieve data from this collection, such as total sales by product or average order value by region.

MMS (MongoDB Management Service)

MMS is a cloud-based monitoring and management tool for MongoDB. It provides real-time visibility into performance of your MongoDB instance, including CPU usage, memory usage, network traffic, and disk utilization.

MMS also includes a number of features that allow you to optimize your MongoDB performance, such as automatic indexing recommendations, slow query analysis, and replica set monitoring.

For example, suppose you have a replica set that consists of three nodes. MMS can help you monitor replication lag between nodes, identify any slow-running queries, and suggest index improvements.

MongoDB Profiler

The MongoDB Profiler is a built-in tool that captures and logs operations performed on your MongoDB instance. It allows you to analyze performance of individual queries and operations, such as insert, update, and delete.

With MongoDB Profiler, you can identify queries that are taking too long to execute or are using too much memory. You can also use it to optimize your indexes and eliminate any unnecessary queries.

For example, suppose you have a collection that stores user profiles. You can use MongoDB Profiler to identify queries that retrieve data from this collection, such as number of active users or most popular interests among users.


Nagios is an open-source monitoring tool that can be used to monitor performance of a wide range of systems, including MongoDB. It provides real-time alerts when performance thresholds are breached, allowing you to take action before any critical issues occur.

With Nagios, you can monitor CPU usage, memory usage, and network traffic of your MongoDB instance. You can also set up custom checks to monitor specific queries or operations.

For example, suppose you have a MongoDB instance that stores financial data. You can use Nagios to monitor disk usage of this instance, ensuring that it never exceeds a certain threshold.


Datadog is a cloud-based monitoring platform that can be used to monitor performance of your MongoDB instance. It provides real-time visibility into performance of your database, including CPU usage, memory usage, network traffic, and disk utilization.

Datadog also includes a number of features that allow you to optimize your MongoDB performance, such as slow query analysis, index optimization, and replica set monitoring.

For example, suppose you have a MongoDB instance that stores customer data. You can use Datadog to monitor performance of queries that retrieve data from this instance, such as total number of customers or most popular products among customers.

MongoDB Cloud Manager

MongoDB Cloud Manager is a cloud-based monitoring and management tool for MongoDB. It provides real-time visibility into performance of your MongoDB instance, including CPU usage, memory usage, network traffic, and disk utilization.

With MongoDB Cloud Manager, you can also monitor replica sets and sharded clusters, analyze slow-running queries, and receive alerts when performance thresholds are breached.

New Relic

New Relic is a cloud-based monitoring platform that can be used to monitor performance of MongoDB. It provides real-time visibility into performance of your database, including CPU usage, memory usage, network traffic, and disk utilization.

New Relic also includes a number of features that allow you to optimize your MongoDB performance, such as slow query analysis, index optimization, and replica set monitoring.


OpsManager is a management tool for MongoDB that includes a monitoring component. It provides real-time visibility into performance of your MongoDB instance, including CPU usage, memory usage, network traffic, and disk utilization.

With OpsManager, you can also monitor replica sets and sharded clusters, analyze slow-running queries, and receive alerts when performance thresholds are breached.

PMM (Percona Monitoring and Management)

PMM is an open-source monitoring platform that can be used to monitor performance of MongoDB. It provides real-time visibility into performance of your database, including CPU usage, memory usage, network traffic, and disk utilization.

PMM also includes a number of features that allow you to optimize your MongoDB performance, such as slow query analysis, index optimization, and replica set monitoring.


Grafana is an open-source visualization tool that can be used to create custom dashboards for monitoring MongoDB performance. It provides real-time visibility into performance of your database, including CPU usage, memory usage, network traffic, and disk utilization.

With Grafana, you can create custom visualizations for monitoring specific queries or operations, as well as set up alerts when performance thresholds are breached.

It is important to note that choice of monitoring tool depends on specific needs of your organization. Some organizations may prefer a cloud-based solution, while others may prefer an open-source tool. It is also important to consider cost and ease of use of tool when making a decision.

Furthermore, it is recommended to regularly review your MongoDB performance metrics and adjust your monitoring strategy accordingly. This can help you identify any changes in performance over time and make any necessary optimizations to your database.


In conclusion, monitoring MongoDB performance is crucial for maintaining efficiency and reliability of your database. By using tools mentioned above, you can identify potential issues, optimize your queries and indexes, and prevent downtime. With right monitoring tools in place, you can ensure that your MongoDB instance is always performing at its best.

In summary, monitoring MongoDB performance is a critical aspect of database management. By using right tools and regularly reviewing your metrics, you can ensure that your database is always performing at its best.

Updated on: 11-Apr-2023


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