5 Cool New Projects to Try in Fedora Linux

Fedora is a popular Linux distribution that is well known for its robustness, flexibility, and security. It is a community-driven project that has been around for over 15 years and has been actively developed and maintained by a dedicated team of volunteers. Fedora is also known for being a cutting-edge distribution, which means that it is always at forefront of new technologies and software. If you are a Fedora user looking for some cool new projects to try out, then you have come to right place. In this article, we will explore 5 cool new projects to try in Fedora Linux.

Experiment with Containers

Containers are a popular tool in modern software development that allow you to package and run applications in a portable and isolated environment. Fedora has been a pioneer in container technology and has a dedicated project called Fedora CoreOS that focuses on container-based operating systems. With Fedora, you can experiment with containers using tools like Podman and Docker. These tools allow you to easily build, run, and manage containers on your Fedora system.

For example, you can use Podman to create a new container image by running following command −

podman build -t mycontainer .

This will create a new container image called "mycontainer" based on Dockerfile in current directory. You can then run this container using following command −

podman run -it mycontainer

This will start a new container instance and give you an interactive shell inside container.

Create a Custom Fedora Spin

Fedora spins are alternate versions of Fedora that are tailored to specific use cases or user groups. These spins can be created by anyone using Fedora Spin SIG (Special Interest Group) tools. If you have a specific use case in mind that is not covered by official Fedora releases, then you can create your own custom Fedora spin.

To create a custom Fedora spin, you will need to install spin-kickstarts package −

sudo dnf install spin-kickstarts

You can then use tools provided by spin-kickstarts to create your spin. For example, you can create a new spin based on Workstation release by running following command −

sudo lorax --product=workstation --ks=/usr/share/spin-kickstarts/fedora-workstation.ks --isfinal --nomacboot --volid="My Fedora Spin" --iso=my-fedora-spin.iso

This will create a new ISO image called "my-fedora-spin.iso" that contains your custom Fedora spin.

Try Out Silverblue

Fedora Silverblue is a new variant of Fedora that is designed to be more secure, reliable, and easy to use. Silverblue uses a read-only filesystem for base operating system and packages applications as containers, which makes it more resilient to system failures and easier to maintain. If you are looking for a modern and streamlined Linux distribution, then Silverblue is definitely worth a try.

To install Silverblue, you will need to download Silverblue ISO image from Fedora website and create a bootable USB drive. You can then boot your system from USB drive and follow on-screen instructions to install Silverblue.

Once installed, you can use rpm-ostree command to manage your system. For example, you can install a new package by running following command −

sudo rpm-ostree install firefox

This will download and install Firefox package as a container.

Explore Fedora Labs

Fedora Labs are alternate versions of Fedora that are tailored to specific use cases or interests. These Labs are maintained by Fedora community and provide a pre-configured environment for various tasks, such as scientific computing, gaming, or multimedia production. If you are interested in exploring new tools and applications, then Fedora Labs are a great place to start.

To explore Fedora Labs, you can download ISO images from Fedora website and create a bootable USB drive. Each Lab has its own specific set of tools and applications, so be sure to check documentation for each Lab to learn more about what is included. Here are a few examples of Fedora Labs that you can try out −

Fedora Astronomy Lab − This Lab includes a range of tools and applications for astronomy and astrophysics, such as Stellarium, KStars, and Astropy.

Fedora Games Lab − This Lab includes a collection of popular games and gaming tools, such as Steam, Lutris, and Wine.

Fedora Design Suite − This Lab includes a range of tools and applications for graphic design and digital art, such as GIMP, Inkscape, and Blender.

Get Involved in Fedora Community

Finally, one of best ways to get more involved with Fedora is to become an active member of community. Fedora community is a diverse and inclusive group of people who are passionate about open source software and are dedicated to improving Fedora distribution. There are many ways to get involved, such as contributing to documentation, testing new releases, or even becoming a package maintainer.

To get started, you can visit Fedora Project website and explore various ways to contribute. You can also join Fedora Community Discord server, which is a great place to ask questions and connect with other Fedora users and contributors.

Use Cockpit for System Management

Cockpit is a web-based system management tool that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your Fedora system. With Cockpit, you can monitor system performance, manage storage and network settings, and even manage virtual machines. It is a powerful tool for both beginners and advanced users alike.

To use Cockpit, you will need to install cockpit package −

sudo dnf install cockpit

You can then access Cockpit by opening a web browser and navigating to https://localhost:9090. You will be prompted to log in with your system credentials.

Explore Fedora Modularity

Fedora Modularity is a new approach to software packaging that allows you to choose different versions of software packages for different use cases. For example, you can choose a stable version of a package for production environments and a more bleeding-edge version for development environments. Modularity provides more flexibility and control over software that you use on your Fedora system.

To explore Fedora Modularity, you can use dnf module command. For example, you can list all available modules by running following command −

sudo dnf module list

You can then enable a specific module by running following command −

sudo dnf module enable module_name

Where "module_name" is name of module that you want to enable.

Use Fedora Silverblue as a Development Environment

Fedora Silverblue is not just for end-users – it can also be a great choice for developers. Silverblue's container-based approach to software packaging makes it easy to set up a development environment that is isolated from rest of your system. This can help you avoid conflicts between different versions of libraries and dependencies.

To set up a development environment in Silverblue, you can use toolbox command. For example, you can create a new development container by running following command −

toolbox create my-dev-container

This will create a new container called "my-dev-container" with a pre-configured development environment. You can then enter container by running following command −

toolbox enter my-dev-container

This will give you an interactive shell inside container where you can run development tools and build applications.

Try out Fedora IoT

Fedora IoT is a variant of Fedora that is designed for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. It provides a lightweight and secure operating system that is optimized for IoT use cases, such as home automation, industrial control, and smart cities. If you are interested in IoT development, then Fedora IoT is a great platform to try out.

To get started with Fedora IoT, you can download ISO image from Fedora website and create a bootable USB drive. You can then install Fedora IoT on your IoT device and use dnf package manager to install additional software.


Fedora Linux is a versatile and powerful distribution that provides a wide range of tools and applications for both casual and professional use. Whether you are interested in container technology, customizing your system, or exploring new Labs, there are many cool new projects to try in Fedora. And if you are passionate about open source software and want to get more involved with community, there are many opportunities to contribute and make a difference. So go ahead and try out some of these projects – you might just discover something new and exciting about Fedora Linux.

Updated on: 11-Apr-2023


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