4 Ways to Watch or Monitor Log Files in Real Time

Log files are a vital component of any computer system, they contain a detailed record of activities and events that occur on a system. These files can help you understand what happened in past, but in certain scenarios, you might want to monitor them in real-time to stay ahead of issues and troubleshoot problems before they escalate. In this article, we'll explore 4 ways to watch or monitor log files in real-time.

Tail Command

The tail command is a popular utility used to display last few lines of a file. It's particularly useful when you want to monitor a log file in real-time. With -f option, tail can follow growth of a file and display new entries as they are written to file.

To monitor a log file using tail command, open a terminal and type −

$ tail -f /var/log/syslog

This command will display last 10 lines of syslog file, and it will update output every time a new entry is added to file. You can replace "/var/log/syslog" with path to your log file.


MultiTail is a versatile tool that allows you to monitor multiple log files simultaneously. It's particularly useful when you want to keep an eye on several log files at once. With MultiTail, you can split your terminal window into multiple panes and monitor different log files in each pane.

To install MultiTail on Ubuntu or Debian, open a terminal and type −

$ sudo apt-get install multitail

To monitor multiple log files using MultiTail, open a terminal and type −

$ multitail /var/log/syslog /var/log/auth.log

This command will display syslog and auth.log files in separate panes, and it will update output every time a new entry is added to either file.


Logwatch is a powerful log file analysis tool that can monitor log files and generate reports on a regular basis. It can analyze a wide range of log files, including system logs, application logs, and web server logs.

To install Logwatch on Ubuntu or Debian, open a terminal and type −

$ sudo apt-get install logwatch

To configure Logwatch, open configuration file using your favorite text editor −

$ sudo nano /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf

In this file, you can customize settings for Logwatch. For example, you can specify which log files to analyze, how often to run Logwatch, and where to send reports.


Graylog is an open-source log management platform that allows you to collect, index, and analyze log files from multiple sources. It provides a powerful search interface, real-time alerting, and visualization tools to help you make sense of your logs.

To install Graylog on Ubuntu or Debian, you need to follow several steps. Firstly, install Java −

$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre-headless -y

Next, add Graylog repository to your system −

$ wget https://packages.graylog2.org/repo/packages/graylog-3.3-repository_latest.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i graylog-3.3-repository_latest.deb

Then install Graylog −

$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install graylog-server

Finally, start Graylog −

$ sudo systemctl start graylog-server

After starting Graylog, you can access web interface by opening a web browser and navigating to http://your-server-ip:9000. From there, you can configure Graylog to collect and analyze your log files.

In addition to four methods mentioned above, there are several other tools and techniques you can use to watch or monitor log files in real-time. Here are a few more examples −


Syslog-ng is a popular logging tool that provides advanced features for collecting and filtering log data. It's available on Linux and Unix systems, and it's commonly used in large-scale deployments.

To use syslog-ng, you'll need to install it on a dedicated server or virtual machine. Once installed, you can configure it to collect log data from your systems using a range of inputs, such as syslog, file, or network sources.

Syslog-ng provides advanced filtering and processing capabilities, allowing you to extract specific fields from your log data and route them to different destinations. For example, you can filter out specific log entries based on their severity level or source IP address, or forward specific log entries to a SIEM tool for further analysis.

ELK Stack

The ELK Stack is a popular log management platform that consists of three open-source tools: Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. It's commonly used for large-scale log data analysis and visualization.

To use ELK Stack, you'll need to install and configure each of three tools. Elasticsearch is used to store and index your log data, Logstash is used to collect and filter your log data, and Kibana is used to visualize and analyze your log data.

The ELK Stack provides advanced features such as full-text search, real-time analytics, and machine learning. You can create dashboards and visualizations to monitor specific metrics, such as error rates, response times, or server load, and set up alerts to notify you when specific events occur in your log data.


Splunk is a commercial log management platform that provides advanced features for collecting, processing, and analyzing log data. It's commonly used in large-scale enterprise deployments.

To use Splunk, you'll need to install and configure it on a dedicated server or virtual machine. Once installed, you can configure it to collect log data from a range of sources, such as syslog, file, or network sources.

Splunk provides advanced search and analytics capabilities, allowing you to find and analyze specific log entries based on keywords or patterns. You can create alerts and dashboards to monitor specific metrics, and use machine learning to detect anomalies in your log data.


In conclusion, monitoring log files in real-time is an essential task for anyone responsible for maintenance and troubleshooting of a computer system. It allows you to detect and diagnose problems before they become major issues. In this article, we've explored 4 different ways to watch or monitor log files in real-time. tail command is a simple and effective way to monitor a single log file, while MultiTail is a more advanced tool that allows you to monitor multiple log files simultaneously. Logwatch is a powerful log file analysis tool that can generate reports on a regular basis, and Graylog is an open-source log management platform that provides advanced search and analysis capabilities.

The choice of tool depends on your specific needs and complexity of your log files. If you're only monitoring a single log file, tail command might be sufficient. If you need to monitor multiple log files or want to analyze your logs in more detail, MultiTail or Logwatch might be a better option. If you're dealing with a large number of log files or want to perform more advanced analysis, Graylog is worth considering.

Ultimately, whatever tool you choose, key is to monitor your log files regularly to detect and diagnose issues quickly. By doing so, you'll be able to maintain reliability and performance of your computer system, and ensure that it operates smoothly for years to come.

Updated on: 31-Mar-2023

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