4 mobile computing trends that are hot right now

Practically everyone owns a smartphone. The only people still holding out are those who are too old to care and those who don’t want to pay for it. Because of its popularity, mobile computing is now the most rapidly developing technology.

Take a look at these four mobile trends that are hot right now.

All-in-One Devices Push the Boundaries of Smartphones

People want the power of a desktop but the portability of a cellphone. That’s why researchers are working on all-in-one devices that go beyond smartphones. By combining the Internet, GPS, accelerometers, and personal profiles, you get a super mobile device that can tell you everything from where to find the nearest gas station to information about a historical building just by pointing your device at it.

These all-in-one devices will also have near field communication

(NFC) technology. This technology enables users to pay for items with a mobile device instead of using a credit card. NFC chips already exist in several smartphones, but this technology trend is going to get bigger as more people want to pay for things with their mobile devices. PayPal already has the technology to make this a reality. It’s simply a matter of getting stores, cellphone carriers, and banks to get together to standardize processes.

Cloud Computing Improves Mobility and Data Storage

Cloud computing is another major trend in mobile technology right now. It allows people to save files on the Internet so they’re instantly retrievable no matter what device you use, including a smartphone. It doesn’t matter where you are; the only thing that does matter is that you can connect to the Internet.

Businesses love that their employees can do business on the go thanks to cloud computing on smartphones. This also gives employees the flexibility to work remotely and on the go. Businesses are also implementing bring your own device policies to save money and give employees more options. BYOD initiatives are innovative and cost-efficient ways to provide devices and phones for small businesses.

Data security is a major worry with the cloud on mobile devices because a hacker can access a person’s personal files more easily when information is stored in the cloud rather than stored on a computer’s hard drive. Of course, millions of dollars have been invested in encryption and data security, but that doesn’t mean you’re completely protected.

Touchscreens Get Texture and Flexibility

Disney researchers have been hard at work developing touchscreens that let you feel texture. Through electrostatic charges, your brain is tricked into feeling texture just by touching your device’s screen. Apple has also been working on electrovibration technology and has already filed several patents related to it. According to Techradar, electrovibration technology will be implemented on touchscreen devices by 2016.

One reason many people have been hesitant to transition to touchscreen-only phones is that they like the physical feel of the buttons so they can operate their phone with minimal visual input. However, electrovibration technology gives these users the best of both worlds. They’ll be able to feel the buttons but have all the advantages of a large touchscreen.

Smartphones Get Cool New Power Options

One of the biggest complaints heard by smartphone users is that normal activity drains the battery too quickly. In fact, many users can’t go an entire day without charging their device. Fortunately, this will soon be a thing of the past. According to CTV News, there’s been a recent breakthrough in battery technology that allows smartphone users to charge their cellphones through motions, such as walking or tapping the screen. Actually, even your body heat might be enough to give your phone a charge in the future.

Other trending battery technology includes an ultra-rapid charger that only takes 30 seconds to charge your device. It’s expected to be mainstream by 2016. Researchers are also working on mobile technology that allows one gadget to charge another.

These are just the mobile trends we’re seeing developed right now. In the future you might be able to control your smartphone with your mind (electroencephalography), have technology integrated right into your body, and so much more. The gap between sci-fi and reality grows closer every year.

Updated on: 10-May-2022


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