3 Ways to Install Atom Text Editor in openSUSE

Atom is an open-source text editor that is widely used by developers for coding purposes. It is a highly customizable text editor that comes with a vast range of plugins and themes that enhance its functionality. Atom is compatible with different operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. In this article, we will focus on how to install Atom text editor in openSUSE, a popular Linux distribution.

Let's dive in and explore each of these methods.

Using openSUSE Package Manager

openSUSE Package Manager is a powerful tool that allows users to install and manage software packages in openSUSE. Atom text editor is available in official openSUSE repository, and users can use Package Manager to install it.

To install Atom using openSUSE Package Manager, follow steps below −

  • Step 1 − Open terminal Click on "Activities" button at top left corner of your screen and search for "Terminal." Click on "Terminal" icon to launch it.

  • Step 2 − Update openSUSE repository Before installing any software, it is essential to update openSUSE repository to ensure that you get latest packages. Run following command in terminal −

sudo zypper refresh
  • Step 3 − Install Atom Once repository is updated, run following command to install Atom −

sudo zypper in atom

The Package Manager will download and install Atom and its dependencies automatically. After installation is complete, you can launch Atom from applications menu or by running following command in terminal −


Using Snap Package Manager

Snap is a package management system developed by Canonical for Linux distributions. It allows users to install software packages in a sandboxed environment, which means that packages are isolated from rest of system. Snap is available for openSUSE, and users can use it to install Atom text editor.

To install Atom using Snap package manager, follow steps below −

  • Step 1 − Install Snap If you haven't already installed Snap, run following command in terminal −

sudo zypper install snapd
  • Step 2 − Enable Snap After installing Snap, enable it by running following command −

sudo systemctl enable snapd
  • Step 3 − Install Atom Once Snap is enabled, run following command to install Atom −

sudo snap install atom --classic

The Snap package manager will download and install Atom and its dependencies in a sandboxed environment. After installation is complete, you can launch Atom from applications menu or by running following command in terminal −

snap run atom
  • Using AppImage format AppImage is a package format that allows users to distribute software packages as a single file that can run on any Linux distribution without need for installation. AppImage files are self-contained, which means that they include all dependencies required to run software. Atom text editor is available in AppImage format, and users can use it to install Atom in openSUSE.

To install Atom using AppImage format, follow steps below −

  • Step 1 − Download Atom Download latest version of Atom in AppImage format from official Atom website. Save file to your preferred location.

  • Step 2 − Make file executable After downloading AppImage file, make it executable by running following command −

chmod +x atom-x.x.x-x86_

Replace "atom-x.x.x-x86_" with name of AppImage file you downloaded.

  • Step 3 − Launch Atom Once AppImage file is executable, run following command to launch Atom −


Replace "atom-x.x.x-x86_" with name of AppImage file you downloaded.

Atom will launch, and you can start using it to write and edit your code.

Apart from three methods discussed in this article, there are other ways to install Atom text editor in openSUSE, such as using Flatpak package manager. Flatpak is a universal packaging system that allows users to install software packages on any Linux distribution. Atom text editor is available in Flatpak format, and users can use it to install Atom in openSUSE.

To install Atom using Flatpak package manager, follow steps below −

  • Step 1 − Install Flatpak If you haven't already installed Flatpak, run following command in terminal −

sudo zypper install flatpak
  • Step 2 − Add Flathub repository After installing Flatpak, add Flathub repository, which is a central repository for Flatpak packages, by running following command −

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
  • Step 3 − Install Atom Once Flathub repository is added, run following command to install Atom −

flatpak install flathub io.atom.Atom

The Flatpak package manager will download and install Atom and its dependencies in a sandboxed environment. After installation is complete, you can launch Atom from applications menu or by running following command in terminal −

flatpak run io.atom.Atom


In conclusion, Atom is a powerful text editor that is widely used by developers for coding purposes. It is available for different operating systems, including openSUSE, a popular Linux distribution. In this article, we have explored three ways to install Atom text editor in openSUSE, namely using openSUSE Package Manager, Snap package manager, and AppImage format. Users can choose method that best suits their needs and preferences. Installing Atom using any of these methods is easy and straightforward, and once installed, users can enjoy powerful features that Atom offers.

Updated on: 28-Mar-2023


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