3 Top Node.js Package Managers for Linux

As one of most popular programming languages, Node.js has a vast collection of modules and packages that simplify development process for various applications. To manage these packages and dependencies, developers rely on package managers that are specifically designed for Node.js. In this article, we will explore three top Node.js package managers for Linux and discuss their features and benefits.

npm (Node Package Manager)

npm is undoubtedly most popular and widely used package manager for Node.js applications. It is a command-line tool that helps developers to manage packages, dependencies, and versions of packages for their Node.js projects. npm comes bundled with Node.js, so you don't need to install it separately. It is simple to use and provides many features that make it an ideal choice for Node.js developers.

Features of npm

  • Easy to install and use

  • Large collection of packages and modules available

  • Supports private package repositories

  • Provides version management and semantic versioning

  • Supports script running and testing

  • Has built-in security checks


Installing a package using npm −

npm install <package-name>

Updating a package −

npm update <package-name>

Running scripts −

npm run <script-name>


Yarn is a relatively new package manager that was created by Facebook to solve some of issues with npm. It is a command-line tool that offers many of same features as npm, but with some additional benefits. Yarn is designed to be faster and more reliable than npm, and it provides better offline support. It also has a unique caching mechanism that allows it to reuse installed packages across projects, which can save time and disk space.

Features of Yarn

  • Faster and more reliable than npm

  • Supports parallel and offline installation

  • Provides better performance for large-scale projects

  • Has a unique caching mechanism

  • Supports script running and testing

  • Supports private package repositories


Installing a package using Yarn −

yarn add <package-name>

Updating a package −

yarn upgrade <package-name>

Running scripts −

yarn run <script-name>


PNPM is a lightweight and fast package manager for Node.js applications. It uses a different approach to package installation and management than npm and Yarn. PNPM creates a single shared cache for all packages, which means that each package is installed only once, regardless of how many projects use it. This can save disk space and speed up installation times. PNPM also supports automatic deduplication of packages and allows developers to install packages in a way that is compatible with npm and Yarn.

Features of PNPM

  • Lightweight and fast

  • Uses a single shared cache for all packages

  • Supports automatic deduplication of packages

  • Compatible with npm and Yarn

  • Supports script running and testing

  • Supports private package repositories


Installing a package using PNPM −

pnpm install <package-name>

Updating a package −

pnpm update <package-name>

Running scripts −

pnpm run <script-name>

In addition to features mentioned above, there are some other considerations that developers should take into account when selecting a package manager for their Node.js projects.

One of primary factors to consider is size and complexity of your project. If you are working on a large-scale project with many dependencies, you may find that Yarn or PNPM offer better performance and faster installation times. These package managers use different approaches to package management that can help reduce disk space usage and improve performance for large-scale projects.

Another consideration is community support and availability of packages. npm has largest collection of packages and modules available, with over one million packages in its registry. Yarn and PNPM both have access to same packages as npm, but their communities may be smaller, which could impact availability of support and resources.

Security is also an important consideration when choosing a package manager. All three package managers mentioned in this article have built-in security features that help protect against vulnerabilities and malicious packages. However, it is important to keep your packages and dependencies up-to-date and regularly audit them for potential security risks.


Choosing right package manager is essential for managing packages and dependencies in Node.js projects. npm, Yarn, and PNPM are three of most popular and widely used package managers for Node.js applications on Linux. Each package manager has its unique features and benefits, so it's important to evaluate your needs and choose one that best suits your project. By using one of these package managers, you can simplify development process, save time, and ensure that your Node.js applications are efficient and reliable.

Updated on: 28-Mar-2023


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