3-digit Osiris number in C?

Osiris Number is a number whose value is equal to the sum of values of all number formed by adding all the permutations of its own digits.

In this problem, we are given a 3-Digit number N, and we will check weather the number N is an Osiris number.

Let’s take an example,

Input : N = 132
Output : 132


All sub-samples of N : 13 , 12, 21, 23 ,32 31.

Sum = 13+12+21+23+32+31 = 132

To do this, we have a formula to check whether the given number is Osiris number or not.


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#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
   int n = 132;
   int a = n % 10;
   int b = (n / 10) % 10;
   int c = n / 100;
   int digit_sum = a + b + c;
   if (n == (2 * (digit_sum)*11)) {
      printf("%d is an Osiris number",n);
      printf("%d is not an Osiris number",n);
   return 0;


132 is an Osiris number

Updated on: 04-Oct-2019


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