20 Useful Terminal Emulators for Linux

Terminal emulators are an essential part of Linux ecosystem, providing users with a way to interact with command line and execute commands. While command line may seem daunting to some users, benefits of using a terminal emulator are immense. Terminal emulators provide advanced users with complete control over their Linux operating system, and can help novice users learn Linux command line. In this article, we will explore 20 of most useful terminal emulators for Linux, highlighting their key features and benefits.

GNOME Terminal

GNOME Terminal is a popular terminal emulator for Linux, and is included by default in many Linux distributions. It offers a simple and intuitive interface, and is highly customizable, allowing users to adjust font, color scheme, and other settings to suit their needs. GNOME Terminal also offers support for tabs, which can be used to open multiple terminal windows within a single interface.


Konsole is default terminal emulator for KDE desktop environment, and offers a powerful and feature-rich terminal experience. Konsole offers support for tabs, split views, and other advanced features, making it a popular choice among power users. Konsole also offers a number of customization options, including ability to adjust font and color scheme, and to create custom keyboard shortcuts.


Tilix is a powerful and modern terminal emulator for Linux, offering a range of advanced features such as support for tabs, split views, and custom layouts. Tilix also offers support for a range of color schemes and fonts, and allows users to easily configure keyboard shortcuts and other settings. Tilix is a popular choice among developers, thanks to its support for powerful features such as terminal notifications and automatic title updating.


Terminator is a highly customizable terminal emulator for Linux, offering a range of advanced features such as support for tabs, split views, and custom layouts. Terminator also offers a number of customization options, including ability to adjust font and color scheme, and to create custom keyboard shortcuts. Terminator is a popular choice among power users, thanks to its advanced features and high level of customizability.


Guake is a drop-down terminal emulator for Linux, designed to provide users with quick access to command line. Guake can be accessed by pressing a keyboard shortcut, and offers a range of advanced features such as support for tabs and split views. Guake is a popular choice among developers, thanks to its easy accessibility and powerful features.


Yakuake is a drop-down terminal emulator for Linux, similar to Guake, but designed specifically for KDE desktop environment. Yakuake offers a range of advanced features such as support for tabs and split views, and can be easily accessed by pressing a keyboard shortcut. Yakuake is a popular choice among KDE users, thanks to its seamless integration with KDE desktop environment.

Xfce Terminal

Xfce Terminal is a lightweight and fast terminal emulator for Linux, designed to provide users with a simple and intuitive command line interface. Xfce Terminal offers support for tabs and custom keyboard shortcuts, and can be easily customized to suit individual preferences. Xfce Terminal is a popular choice among users who value speed and simplicity.


TerminatorX is a terminal emulator designed specifically for musicians and audio engineers, offering support for advanced audio features such as JACK audio connections and ALSA MIDI support. TerminatorX offers a simple and intuitive interface, and is highly customizable, making it a popular choice among audio professionals.

Cool Retro Term

Cool Retro Term is a terminal emulator designed to look and feel like an old-school computer terminal, complete with retro-style graphics and sound effects. Cool Retro Term offers a range of customization options, including support for custom color schemes and fonts, and is a popular choice among users who appreciate a retro aesthetic.


Tilda is a drop-down terminal emulator for Linux, designed to provide quick access to command line. Tilda can be accessed by pressing a keyboard shortcut, and offers support for tabs and custom keyboard shortcuts. Tilda is a popular choice among users who appreciate its simple and intuitive interface.


ROXTerm is a lightweight and fast terminal emulator for Linux, designed to provide users with a simple and intuitive command line interface. ROXTerm offers support for tabs, custom keyboard shortcuts, and a range of customization options. ROXTerm is a popular choice among users who value speed and simplicity.


Urxvt, also known as rxvt-unicode, is a lightweight and fast terminal emulator for Linux, designed to provide users with a simple and efficient command line interface. Urxvt offers support for tabs, custom keyboard shortcuts, and a range of customization options. Urxvt is a popular choice among users who value speed and efficiency.


Termite is a lightweight and fast terminal emulator for Linux, designed to provide users with a simple and intuitive command line interface. Termite offers support for tabs and custom keyboard shortcuts, and can be easily customized to suit individual preferences. Termite is a popular choice among users who value speed and simplicity.


KonsoleKalendar is a terminal emulator designed specifically for KDE desktop environment, offering integration with KDE calendar system. KonsoleKalendar offers support for tabs, split views, and custom keyboard shortcuts, and can be easily customized to suit individual preferences. KonsoleKalendar is a popular choice among KDE users who value integration with their calendar system.


Tmux is a terminal multiplexer for Linux, designed to allow users to run multiple terminal sessions within a single interface. Tmux offers support for tabs, split views, and custom keyboard shortcuts, and can be easily customized to suit individual preferences. Tmux is a popular choice among power users who need to manage multiple terminal sessions simultaneously.


Screen is a terminal multiplexer for Linux, similar to Tmux, but designed to be more lightweight and efficient. Screen offers support for tabs, split views, and custom keyboard shortcuts, and can be easily customized to suit individual preferences. Screen is a popular choice among power users who need to manage multiple terminal sessions simultaneously.


Byobu is a terminal multiplexer for Linux, designed to provide users with an easy-to-use and intuitive interface for managing multiple terminal sessions. Byobu offers support for tabs, split views, and custom keyboard shortcuts, and can be easily customized to suit individual preferences. Byobu is a popular choice among users who need to manage multiple terminal sessions simultaneously.


Kitty is a modern and feature-rich terminal emulator for Linux, offering support for advanced features such as support for ligatures and true color. Kitty also offers support for tabs, split views, and custom keyboard shortcuts, and can be easily customized to suit individual preferences. Kitty is a popular choice among developers and power users.


Alacritty is a fast and lightweight terminal emulator for Linux, designed to provide users with a simple and efficient command line interface. Alacritty offers support for tabs, custom keyboard shortcuts, and a range of customization options, and is highly customizable. Alacritty is a popular choice among users who value speed and efficiency.


Hyper is a cross-platform terminal emulator for Linux, designed to provide users with a modern and feature-rich command line interface. Hyper offers support for tabs, split views, and custom keyboard shortcuts, and is highly customizable with a range of plugins and themes available. Hyper is a popular choice among developers and power users who require advanced features and customization options.


In conclusion, Linux command line interface is an essential tool for many users, and choosing right terminal emulator is crucial for a productive and efficient workflow. This list of 20 useful terminal emulators for Linux provides a range of options for users of all levels, from beginner-friendly options such as GNOME Terminal and Tilix, to advanced options such as Tmux, Screen, and Byobu. Whether you value speed, simplicity, customization options, or advanced features, there is a terminal emulator on this list that will suit your needs.

Updated on: 28-Mar-2023


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