20 Things To Do After Installing Ubuntu 22.10 ‘Groovy Gorilla’

Ubuntu 22.10 'Groovy Gorilla' has been released, and it is packed with exciting features and improvements. However, after installing operating system, there are some essential things you need to do to make most of it. This article will highlight 20 things to do after installing Ubuntu 22.10 'Groovy Gorilla' to enhance your user experience.

Install Updates

The first thing you need to do after installing Ubuntu 22.10 'Groovy Gorilla' is to install updates. Updating your system ensures that you have latest security patches, bug fixes, and new features. To update your system, go to 'Software Updater' application or run following command in terminal −

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Install Additional Drivers

Ubuntu comes with open-source drivers for most hardware, but you may need to install additional proprietary drivers for optimal performance. To install additional drivers, go to 'Software & Updates' > 'Additional Drivers' and select driver you need.

Install Codecs

Ubuntu does not come with proprietary codecs, such as MP3 and H.264, installed by default. You can install them by running following command in terminal −

sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras

Install a Better Text Editor

Ubuntu comes with a basic text editor called Gedit. However, if you are looking for a more advanced text editor, you can install one of following −

  • Visual Studio Code − A powerful open-source code editor.

  • Atom − A hackable text editor for 21st century.

  • Sublime Text − A sophisticated text editor for code, markup, and prose.

To install Visual Studio Code, run following command in terminal −

sudo snap install --classic code

To install Atom, run following command in terminal −

sudo snap install --classic atom

To install Sublime Text, run following command in terminal −

sudo snap install sublime-text --classic

Install a Better Web Browser

Ubuntu comes with Firefox web browser installed by default. However, if you are looking for an alternative, you can install one of following −

  • Google Chrome − A fast and secure web browser from Google.

  • Chromium − An open-source version of Google Chrome.

  • Brave − A privacy-focused web browser.

To install Google Chrome, go to Google Chrome website and download .deb file. Once downloaded, double-click file and follow instructions to install.

To install Chromium, run following command in terminal −

sudo apt install chromium-browser

To install Brave, run following command in terminal −

sudo snap install brave

Install GNOME Tweaks

GNOME Tweaks is a powerful tool that allows you to customize GNOME desktop environment. To install GNOME Tweaks, run following command in terminal −

sudo apt install gnome-tweaks

Install a System Monitor

A system monitor allows you to keep track of your system's resources, such as CPU and memory usage. To install a system monitor, you can install one of following −

  • GNOME System Monitor − A graphical system monitor for GNOME desktop.

  • htop − An interactive process viewer for terminal.

To install GNOME System Monitor, run following command in terminal −

sudo apt install gnome-system-monitor

To install htop, run following command in terminal −

sudo apt install htop

Install a File Archiver

Ubuntu comes with a basic file archiver called Archive Manager. However, if you are looking for a more advanced file archiver, you can install one of following −

  • 7zip − A free and open-source file archiver.

  • PeaZip − A file archiver with support for over 200 file formats.

To install 7zip, run following command in terminal −

sudo apt install p7zip-full

To install PeaZip, go to PeaZip website and download .deb file. Once downloaded, double-click file and follow instructions to install.

Install a PDF Reader

Ubuntu comes with a PDF reader called Document Viewer. However, if you are looking for a more feature-rich PDF reader, you can install one of following −

  • Okular − A universal document viewer that supports PDF, ePub, and many other formats.

  • Evince − A simple and easy-to-use document viewer that supports PDF, ePub, and many other formats.

To install Okular, run following command in terminal −

sudo apt install okular

To install Evince, run following command in terminal −

sudo apt install evince

Install a Media Player

Ubuntu comes with a media player called Rhythmbox. However, if you are looking for a more advanced media player, you can install one of following −

  • VLC − A free and open-source media player that supports a wide range of formats.

  • Clementine − A music player and library organizer that supports a wide range of formats.

To install VLC, run following command in terminal −

sudo apt install vlc

Install a Screenshot Tool

Ubuntu comes with a built-in screenshot tool, but if you need more advanced features, you can install one of following −

  • Flameshot − A powerful and easy-to-use screenshot tool.

  • Shutter − A feature-rich screenshot tool with editing and sharing capabilities.

To install Flameshot, run following command in terminal −

sudo apt install flameshot

Install a Cloud Storage Client

Ubuntu comes with Ubuntu One cloud storage client installed by default. However, if you use a different cloud storage provider, you can install a client for it. For example −

  • Dropbox − A popular cloud storage provider with a Linux client.

  • Nextcloud − A free and open-source cloud storage solution with a Linux client.

To install Dropbox, go to Dropbox website and download .deb file. Once downloaded, double-click file and follow instructions to install.

To install Nextcloud, run following command in terminal −

sudo apt install nextcloud-client

Install a Password Manager

A password manager allows you to securely store and manage your passwords. Some popular password managers for Linux include −

  • Bitwarden − A free and open-source password manager.

  • KeepassXC − A free and open-source password manager with support for multiple databases.

To install Bitwarden, go to Bitwarden website and download .deb file. Once downloaded, double-click file and follow instructions to install.

To install KeepassXC, run following command in terminal −

sudo apt install keepassxc

Install a Virtualization Tool

If you need to run virtual machines on your Ubuntu system, you can install one of following virtualization tools −

  • VirtualBox − A free and open-source virtualization tool from Oracle.

  • GNOME Boxes − A simple and easy-to-use virtualization tool for Linux.

To install VirtualBox, go to VirtualBox website and download .deb file. Once downloaded, double-click file and follow instructions to install.

To install GNOME Boxes, run following command in terminal −

sudo apt install gnome-boxes

Install a Task Manager

If you need a task manager to keep track of your to-do lists and projects, you can install one of following −

  • Todoist − A popular task manager with cross-platform support.

  • Taskwarrior − A free and open-source task manager for command line.

To install Todoist, go to Todoist website and download .deb file. Once downloaded, double-click file and follow instructions to install.

To install Taskwarrior, run following command in terminal −

sudo apt install taskwarrior

Install a Weather App

If you want to keep track of weather, you can install one of following weather apps −

  • GNOME Weather − A weather app that comes pre-installed with Ubuntu.

  • Meteo − A free and open-source weather app with support for multiple locations.

To install Meteo, run following command in terminal −

sudo apt install meteo

Customize Your Desktop

Ubuntu comes with a lot of customization options, and you can further customize your desktop by installing additional themes, icons, and extensions. Some popular customization tools include −

  • GNOME Tweaks − A tool for customizing GNOME desktop environment.

  • Unity Tweak Tool − A tool for customizing Unity desktop environment.

To install GNOME Tweaks, run following command in terminal −

sudo apt install gnome-tweaks

Install a VPN

If you want to browse internet securely and privately, you can install a VPN client. Some popular VPN clients for Linux include −

  • NordVPN − A popular VPN provider with a Linux client.

  • ExpressVPN − A popular VPN provider with a Linux client.

To install NordVPN, go to NordVPN website and follow instructions to install.

To install ExpressVPN, go to ExpressVPN website and follow instructions to install.

Install Wine

If you need to run Windows applications on your Ubuntu system, you can install Wine. Wine is a compatibility layer that allows you to run Windows applications on Linux.

To install Wine, run following command in terminal −

sudo apt install wine


Ubuntu 22.10 Groovy Gorilla is a great operating system for both beginners and advanced users. By following these 20 things to do after installing Ubuntu, you can customize your system and make it even more powerful and efficient. Whether you need a media player, a password manager, or a virtualization tool, Ubuntu has you covered. So why not give it a try and see for yourself how powerful and versatile Ubuntu can be?

Updated on: 28-Mar-2023

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