11 Powerful LinkedIn Features You Didn’t Know About

Although marketing on LinkedIn is a great way to attract a potential employee or capture a B2B audience, it’s important to understand the platform’s features to fully utilize them. In the past few months, the company has released several new features that will help job seekers and recruiters connect with their networks.

In this article, we'll be presenting you with the latest features that are designed to help you stay up-to-date with the changes that are happening on LinkedIn. One of the most important factors that the platform is focusing on is video content, as it is shared 20 times more frequently than other forms of content. With InVideo, you can easily create stunning videos that will help build your brand on LinkedIn.

Why is LinkedIn important?

Through LinkedIn, your connections, teachers, and colleagues can endorse you for any skill. In addition, they can write recommendations that will show up on your profile and help prove your talent and skills.

Similar to Facebook, LinkedIn is a professional networking site that most of us use for the purpose of networking. It is mainly used for the professional development of individuals. Besides being able to connect with potential employers, it can also help you showcase your skills and experience. However, one important thing to keep in mind is that a resume is not posted on LinkedIn until you have personally created it.

11 powerful LinkedIn features you didn’t know about

Here are the top 11 powerful features that one must use to effectively use LinkedIn.

LinkedIn cover story

With LinkedIn's new Cover Story feature, it's easier than ever to create a first impression on your potential employers. It allows you to customize your video to fit your personal style and engage with your audience. In addition to being able to create a personalized first impression, this feature also allows you to reach out to the right recruiters by automatically playing the video on your page.

Control who can see your connections

With LinkedIn's feature, you can prevent other people from seeing your connections. This allows you to keep them from poaching your employees, partners, and clients. To do this, go to your settings and choose "Who can see my connections?" You can then limit how many people can see your connections.

Live videos

On LinkedIn, you can now broadcast live from your event or page. However, this feature only works if you have at least 150 followers or connections. To be eligible, you must have at least one active audience base, recent content that you have shared on your page or profile, and a record of compliance with the professional community policies of LinkedIn

View profiles in private mode

While you're protecting your connections from competitors' activities, you might want to check out their profiles without being tracked. This will allow you to find out more about them and their content strategy

In LinkedIn's private mode, users can hide their visits to profiles. You can also use this to review job candidates' profiles. To access this feature, go to the Settings & Privacy page and click on the "Profile viewing options" tab. You'll be able to view profiles as an anonymous member

LinkedIn creator mode

If you are passionate about sharing informative and engaging content for professionals, LinkedIn is the place for you. With the new Creator mode, you can easily create and manage content for your audience. This feature will allow you to reach out to more people and influence them on the platform.

Segment your audience using showcase pages

If your company caters to multiple consumer groups, then you might want to create a LinkedIn showcase page. This feature allows you to create and manage multiple affiliated pages that are designed to show up under the main company page. These pages can be focused on a certain aspect of your business, or they can be created on a variety of topics. With the ability to target different audiences based on their interests, professions, and more, it’s very easy to create effective content and campaigns.

LinkedIn polls

Similar to polls on other platforms, LinkedIn polls allow you to interact with your audience. They allow them to choose from a variety of options and provide you with valuable information about them

Save your searches

As a part of your marketing efforts, you might spend a lot of time searching for potential leads on LinkedIn. This feature can help you save your searches so that you don't have to go back and search for those individuals again. You can also set up search alerts so that you can receive an email reminder whenever someone matches the criteria in your saved searches.


Like Instagram and Facebook, you can now add reactions to your posts on LinkedIn. There are five kinds of reactions that you can choose from: like, support, insightful, curious, and love. These allow you to share your emotions in a more engaging manner and create a deeper connection with your network. You can also use these reactions to interact with your followers and increase your visibility on LinkedIn.

Send messages without connecting

You can only send messages to people you are connected to on LinkedIn, which means that if you have a free account, you won't be able to connect with new ones. This means that if you don't want to make a connection with someone, you can still send them a message. One workaround is to join a group that matches the person you want to communicate with.

Carousel images

Share a carousel of photos on LinkedIn using the document-sharing feature. This allows you to create a visually stunning and engaging post that can keep your audience engaged. The photos and graphics in a carousel post are ideal for both mobile and desktop.


New features are constantly being added to the platform in order to improve the user experience. One of the most important factors that you should consider is your ability to make use of them to connect with professionals. LinkedIn is a great way to connect with professionals and has a variety of features that can help you do so. It is important that you keep up with the latest updates and features on LinkedIn in order to improve your marketing efforts on the platform. This will allow you to adapt your strategy to take advantage of its best capabilities.

Updated on: 24-Jul-2023


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