10 Unexpected Reasons Adults Get Acne and How to Get Rid of It?

We all thought that acne would stop being embarrassing once we got to be awkward teenagers. As we got older, many of us saw this wasn't true. A clinical study found that 40 and 55 percent of adults in their 30s and 40s have acne that lasts for a long time. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, acne is the most common skin condition in the U.S. The number of adults who have it has been rising quickly.

Keep Hair products at a Bay

Serums, sprays, and masks made just for hair may feel luxurious, but they can irritate the skin. Many hair products contain oils that can clog your pores and irritate your skin, worsening your acne. You shouldn't use these products if you have acne. If you think the problem might be caused by the hair products you use, you should either stop using them for a while or, at the very least, take more steps to ensure that the products don't touch your skin in any way. This might mean that you need to wash your face after putting conditioner on your hair or that you need to use a new pillowcase every night.

How things work at the office?

Pay attention to how you sit at work if you get pimples on your chin, temples, or neck. Many people use something to keep their heads from falling asleep while working, whether hunched over a computer or a stack of papers. When you touch your face and neck a lot, germs and oils from your hands can spread to those areas and cause acne.

Getting rid of all fats from your diet

At first glance, the best thing to do is to eat a diet with no fat. However, not all fats are the same. The important fatty acids in foods like fish and avocado are like power plants for your skin's health. Pay attention to these signs to avoid dry, flaky skin and acne that doesn't go away. Foods with a high glycaemic index, dairy products, chocolate, and cocoa may be causing your breakouts. Because of this, the body may try to make up for it by making even more sebum, which can clog pores and lead to oily skin.

Using mobile phones and tablets too much

Think about how rarely you clean your phone, especially since you can't just wash it with soap and water. Now think about how many germs it must have picked up in that time! Face irritation and acne can be caused by using your phone for a long time, so it's essential to clean your face often with a wipe made for tech. You could also use headphones or a Bluetooth earpiece with a built-in microphone to reduce how much time you spend with your face close to the phone.

That Wonderful Cream Used for cure

When it comes to taking care of your skin, trying out a lot of different cosmetics in the hopes of finding a miracle treatment could cause more problems than it solves. Also, you can have too much of a good thing, especially when it comes to skincare. For example, strong spot treatments for acne can dry out the skin, which can cause more irritation and acne breakouts. If you use the same acne treatment and skin care products for less than 30 days, you won't see any accurate results because skin cells naturally die and grow back. This article is great if you're looking for a way to condense your daily skin care routine into three easy steps. It shows you how to do just that.

Taking too Many Smoke Breaks

Acne is just one of many skin problems caused by smoking. Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen that gets to the skin, which causes wrinkles, enlarged pores, dryness, and an increase in oil production, all of which make the skin look older. Nicotine can make the cell receptors in the skin work too hard, clogging the pores and making the skin more sebum. Simple math shows that the more cigarettes you smoke, the more likely you will get acne.

Washing Materials

People who have acne breakouts should look at their laundry detergent. Harsh detergents may be able to get rid of coffee stains quickly, but they usually contain compounds that don't go away after washing and can irritate the skin. If you think the soap you're using is the problem, switch to one with fewer chemicals.

Choosing not to Put on Sunscreen

's drying effects, which are often linked to getting older faster. When UV rays dry out the skin, the skin's natural response is to make more oil to bring back moisture. But in the long run, this makes more breakouts happen. If you care about your skin's health, you should always include SPF, in addition to other medicines, vitamin and mineral supplements used.

Beard Pickles

A partner can sometimes cause acne, and this is especially true when the partner has a beard. When people share things like towels, pillows, and kisses, the number of germs on their skin and the amount of oil their skin makes can increase. This is especially true if the hair on your face rubs against each other. This can cause the number of outbreaks to go up.


Some drugs might help relieve specific symptoms, but they could also cause new ones, like adult acne. There is a strong link between adults getting acne and taking prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) drugs like androgens, iodides, and corticosteroids. Even though it is best to stick to prescribed medicines, ask your doctor about over-the-counter medicines for the common cold and flu made from natural ingredients to reduce the chance of acne. These medicines help people who have a cold or the flu.


Acne shows up in many different ways, and it's only sometimes possible to figure out what caused each one. But the above are some common causes of acne in adults, even though they are not as clear. 

Updated on: 17-Jan-2023


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