10 Tricks for Getting Enough Fruits and Veggies

As you age, your body becomes more susceptible to chronic diseases like heart issues, digestive problems, low metabolism, and a weakened immune system. According to professional dietitians, incorporating plenty of fruits and veggies in your diet can help you eliminate the risk of developing high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal problems, and certain cancers.

Despite this fact, produce consumption in Adults, primarily 50 and above, has seen a sharp decline over the past six years, as per the state of the plate report by "Produce for Better Health Foundation." There could be several reasons behind the decline; it could be due to diminished appetite, usually seen in older people, dental problems, or simply they don't like the taste and texture.

Regardless of the issues, fruits and veggies are a crucial part of your part that you shouldn't ignore. If you don't like eating them raw or boiled, you can always try exciting ways to trick yourself into eating them for your own sake.

Ten tricks for eating more fruits and veggies

Try a new fruit or vegetable

Pick a new fruit or veggie the next time you visit your nearby grocery store. Humans are inherently curious, and the curiosity to try something new can be used here as an advantage. It's even better to sign up for regular produce deliveries at your house if you are not in good shape to drive daily. You can also sign up for Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), which supports local farmers.

Add Fruits and Veggies to your Favorite Dish

Adding fruits and veggies to your favorite dish is a great way to meet your daily produce quota. For instance, you can add small chunks of fruits such as kiwi and berries in your cereal, add strawberries or blueberries to your pancake, add extra veggies in your sandwich or vegetables as your pizza toppings, and so on.

You can switch one egg with a vegetable if you are an omelet lover. That will give you your daily dose of veggies without ruining the taste of your omelet. It can add a new flavor to your dish.

Keep a List of Produce Always With You

Lack of time for shopping is a primary reason people refrain from eating vegetables and fruits. The solution is to list your favorite products and shop for them on your next visit to the grocery store or farmer's market.

It will help if you store vegetables like carrots, broccoli, celery, and cabbage in a plastic bag in your fridge's crisper. However, you must store mushrooms in a paper bag as they contain 90% moisture, and storing them in a plastic bag wouldn't be a good idea. Similarly, keep veggies away from fruits to prevent them from ripening faster.

Skip the Meat Once in a While

According to studies, people with plant-based diets are less prone to cardiovascular diseases and lower mortality compared to those who consume meat. You don't have to go all vegan; try to skip the meat once a week and try a couple of delicious vegetarian recipes for a day.

Infuse Veggies with Snacks

Veggies and fruits can be a delicious alternative to unhealthy snacks. For instance, you can create a tangy salad by mixing pineapple with lemon and chili flakes or use fresh salsa as a dip for your baked chips. You can also try strips of carrot and bell peppers to satiate your hunger pangs.

Keep canned or frozen foods with you

It is a myth that canned and frozen foods are unhealthy for consumption. Canned and frozen fruits and veggies contain all the nutrients for a balanced diet. However, a few vitamins, especially heat-sensitive foods like oranges and grapefruits, may get lost during the canning process.

The same goes for frozen foods as well. Freezing does not deteriorate the food's nutrients; it depends on the condition of the food at the time it was frozen. 

So, next time you are in the grocery store, pack some canned or frozen food for the entire week.

Drink a Fruit Smoothie Every Morning

Smoothie is a smart way to consume many fruits and veggies in one go. The good thing is you will never run out of recipes. Just one search on the internet will find hundreds of recipes to turn dull and bland kale into a delicious glass of goodness.

Eat Food According to the Season

There are many ancient medicine systems that focus on consuming only fruits and vegetables available in the current season. Besides, fruits and vegetables freshly harvested have more flavor in them.

Clean Out Your Junk Foods

Researchers say that eliminating less-healthy foods from the cabinet encourages people to adopt healthy alternatives. So start stocking your refrigerator and cabinets with fresh produce and ditch those unhealthy processed foods.

Chop up Veggies in Advance

Even though you love to have a salad bowl, the idea of chopping different veggies for hours could be really discouraging. The solution is to chop up fruits and vegetables and store them in a safe container. You can do this at least once a day or every alternative day. This will save you a lot of time, and you are more likely to reach out for more vegies while preparing a meal.

Tips to add Fruits and Veggies to Your Food


  • Substitute one of the eggs or half of the cheese in your morning omelet with spinach, mushrooms, or onions

  • Add fruits to your whole-grain cereal, and have a glass of kale or spinach smoothie alongside

  • Top up your oatmeal with nuts, seeds, and dried fruits

  • Add blueberries or sprinkle wheat germ or sunflower, or chia seeds in your waffle or pancakes


  • Replace 50% meat or cheese in your sandwich with veggies

  • Add an equal amount of chopped fruit or veggies to your chicken or tuna salad

  • Replace noodles in soups with veggie strips


  • Reduce one portion of your meat and replace it with veggies or salad

  • Add veggies with chicken instead of other starchy items

  • Try a black bean or portabella mushroom burger instead of a regular hamburger

Updated on: 14-Feb-2023


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