10 Surprising Times to Hit the Gym

Unlike what you would assume, hitting the gym is not restricted to certain times of the day or during only certain periods of well-being. Exercise is beneficial at all stages of life, during all periods of sickness and health.

All you have to do is curate your workouts for your existing situation. If you didn't know, working out has even greater benefits when you are trying to recover from a bad spell of health.

And while hitting the gym at any time is good, there are pros and cons to different times of the day as well.

This article details some surprising times you can hit the gym and some surprising facts about conventional gym routines as well.

Surprising Facts about Different Gym Timings

Morning Gym Sessions

Nothing is surprising about morning gym sessions, but some of the facts surrounding it may be.

Exercising in the morning can help set a routine because research shows that people are more likely to maintain consistency with a morning workout as compared to later in the day, as multiple other demands on your time may crop up.

Burning fat is also easier when you have just woken up as you have an empty stomach and more energy. Morning workouts even result in less pain afterward, plus studies have shown that morning exercises can aid in a better quality of sleep and help counter insomnia as well.

Afternoon/Evening Gym Sessions

Evening workouts weren’t as popular as people feared they may not be able to stick to them on a regular basis after long, tiring days at work. As it turns out though, evening workouts have a range of surprising benefits that have now made them preferable.

Our muscles are warmer and more used to movement i.e., geared up towards the evenings, plus your core body temperature peaks towards late evening. Your muscles are thus more active, loose, and flexible in the evening allowing for a more rigorous workout.

Hormone levels are also primed in the evening towards strength workouts and resistance training.

The body’s testosterone/cortisol ratio (which is also applicable to women), is highest in the evening (other than midnight hours) which means your muscles are at their maximum anabolic potential and recovery ability because the stress hormone cortisol is at its lowest.

This also allows for more productive performance and better gain of muscle mass.

That evening workouts interrupt sleep has been proven to be nothing but a myth. In fact, evening workouts may actually help combat a sleep deficit, and eating meals during the evening post-workout window may help the body absorb and utilize protein more efficiently.

Surprising Periods During Which Hitting the Gym Is Good

It might surprise you to know that hitting the gym during some types of illness can actually benefit you. Below are some conditions, during which exercise can play an important role −

*However, do not undertake any of these suggestions without first consulting a physician as to its suitability for you, especially if you have any co-morbidities.


If you have mild cold and mild symptoms of the flu, such as headaches, a stuffy or runny nose, and a sore throat i.e., “above the neck” symptoms, it is all right to get your body moving. You can adjust the intensity or duration of your exercise according to how much energy you have.

In fact with certain symptoms like headaches, the endorphins and stress relief can vaporize your headache. But there are also cases where headaches and migraines in particular are aggravated by dehydration, especially if you're hungry or have a sleep deficit before the workout.

Speak to your treating doctor to see which workouts are best avoided e.g., high-intensity or kick-boxing as possible triggers for migraines.

With “below the neck” symptoms like chest congestion, a mucus-filled “productive” cough, muscle aches, and fever – it is better to skip your gym sessions until you recover, as your body will be very weak from fighting off infections.


The myth that exercising during pregnancy can be dangerous for the unborn baby and the mother has been busted. Lots of expecting women now do moderate exercise, for about 30 minutes every day as has been recommended by doctors and researchers.

During pregnancy gentle walks, low-impact exercises, yoga, and stretching can all help bring down maternal blood pressure, reduce back pain, lower edema, and even help with mood swings.

Also keep in mind that the nature of your workouts will have to be adjusted depending upon the stage of your pregnancy is at as well, as certain postures aren’t recommended after the first trimester.

*If your OB/GYN expressly instructs avoiding any form of exercise as it could lead to, or worsen existing complications, this section does not apply to you.


As counter-intuitive as it sounds, exercise actually eases joint pains and strengthens bones and muscles. Moderate, low-impact fitness regimes as recommended by your doctor can help reduce the strain put on your joints. However, certain exercises can worsen arthritis, so ensure you do only what your body can handle.


This is a trying period for all women, with the unbearable hot flashes and hormonal changes that cause insomnia.

And while hitting the gym may not address all the symptoms, it can help you maintain a healthy weight while not putting on pounds around the abdomen.

Keeping visceral fat low may in turn help protect you from lifestyle disorders like diabetes, and cancer like endometrial or breast cancers.

People Quitting or Trying to Quit Smoking

Hitting the gym can be an excellent substitute for other coping mechanisms for smokers who are trying to quit and have to face nicotine withdrawal symptoms like irritability, depression, and trouble sleeping.

It will also help keep off the food cravings and weight gain that smokers often face after quitting. In addition, it strengthens your lungs and their capacity, which have been damaged by the habit.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Low-moderate gym sessions can help with IBS symptoms by releasing tension in the body and promoting relaxation, and evening-out breathing patterns. This in turn helps to regulate digestion and reduce the incidence of stomach spasms.


The main takeaway is that workouts are healthy in almost all situations and health conditions shouldn't hold your workouts, hostage. It's just a simple matter of finding out what works for your body at a certain point in time.

Updated on: 24-Apr-2023


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