10 Signs That You Are Being Stalked

The most feared crimes against women are those involving stalking. Are you aware of the several guises that stalking may assume and the steps you can take to prevent each one?

The Department of Justice performed research that found that one in 12 women may experience stalking at some point in their lives.

As per the Bureau of Justice Statistics, almost 75% of women are acquainted with their stalkers in some manner. Because of this, women frequently fail to see the danger in the scenario.

Laws also differ in state definitions of the level of anxiety and anguish that an individual must inflict on a victim before being judged to be a stalker. Recognizing what is considered stalking in legal terms might help you identify whether you are the subject of someone's attention and the steps you can take to prevent it. You're undoubtedly being stalked if you exhibit any of the ten concerning behaviors listed below in at least two distinct situations.

Description of a Stalker

The Stalker's Profile Victim-Target −

  • Relationship − Although they occasionally had been intimate partners, stalkers are more frequent after a friendship.

  • Obsessed − They have frequent fantasies or thoughts of the victim. The fantasies may center on love or be enraged and vindictive.

  • Rejected − Numerous stalkers have a track record of unsuccessful relationships or communication issues.

  • Clever − Most stalkers are intelligent individuals who meticulously organize their stalking tactics. Most simply lack social abilities.

  • Inspired − Stalkers may be inspired by the idea that their target is the only person they will ever love or by a desire for retribution against somebody who has wronged them.

Character traits of a Stalker

  • Desirous

  • Manipulative

  • Egotistic

  • Deceptive

  • Obsessive-compulsive behavior

  • Instantly falls in love

  • Unpleasant or uneasy in social situations

  • A desire for dominance, a reliance on others for identity, and an inability to handle rejection

  • Attitude of entitlement

  • Does not take accountability for one's thoughts or actions. Unable to accept NO.

Signs That You Are Being Stalked

Person Prowling Around Your Place of work or Neighborhood

You're probably dealing with a crazy person if you see someone hanging out in your neighborhood and at your place of employment, even if you know they don't work there. Do you frequently meet the same person in the supermarket or after work?

He/She either parks close to you on the road or in the parking. The fact that they run into me at the gym every night does not qualify as stalking. When you go home, spotting him/her at the market or prowling around your area can make you nervous.

If you reside or work in the same vicinity, sporadic encounters can be coincidences. But frequent encounters could be a symptom of stalking.

Recurring Phone Calls

It may be someone with malicious intent if you've detected repeated requests from either the same or a blocked contact. These individuals will attempt to phone you frequently to fulfill their dreams of conversing with you. Multiple calls from a person you don't often interact with on the phone might be dangerous.

When is anything too much? While phoning can sometimes take the shape of hang-ups or extended silences on your voicemail, many calls per week from a person you only recognize informally are usually the cause for concern.

Once you recognize the offender, strongly request that they cease. Keep track of their calls and notify the police if they continue.

Unsuitable Gift-Giving

It is awkward to get presents from somebody you don't know much continually. This should alarm you since you know when receiving a gift is improper.

Many stalkers begin by presenting unwelcome flowers or items. When their passion is not reciprocated, they could send more presents, incredibly improper or erotic ones, to try to make things worse.

Sending presents to your workplace is a common strategy. As a result, you are obliged to recognize the gifts in front of your companions, even if just to admit that you have yet to learn who donated them, which causes further trouble.

Forcing You To Communicate

When interacting with their victims, stalkers hunt for any opportunity. Some go so far as to file a phony lawsuit to get the target of their stalking to interact with them.

The ludicrous to the vicious can all be used as legal strategies. By making you defend yourself, the stalker pulls you into his sphere.

Threatening to harm oneself is another method of coercion used to get the other person to help. If you don't show them love, in return, they can threaten to harm someone else or talk about suicide.

You're probably being stalked if you notice that someone is coercing you into acting in a way that you normally wouldn't approve of. You should call the police right away.

Internet Follow-Up Techniques

In many cases, although not always, internet stalking is a continuation of physical stalking. Sometimes the stalker isn't even aware of the victim's true identity. It's possible that all he had to go on was see their profile on social media.

Nowadays, stalking is much simpler because of the internet. Listen carefully to your social media connections and followers. There may be a stalker following you if there are too many "empty" accounts. They may create other accounts to contact you again if you have blocked them.

Seeking Information About Your Objectives

Anyone inquiring about your whereabouts excessively is a more overt sign of stalking that you should be aware of. When someone is following you, they may ask about your evening or weekend plans with your friends to appear innocent. Any question, no matter how cordial, could be intended.

“Rescue” -ing You

Be careful of anyone approaching you to assist you in changing a flat tire if you're on the road. Somebody may be trying to harm your well-being as a neurotic method being in your company.

If they offer to help, resist the urge and gently reject, saying that you've already phoned for assistance and that aid is on the way. Locate a secure location to wait after that.

Even more subtly, certain hero-complex stalkers operate. Even if it can merely be polite conduct, it is wise to use caution while interacting with strangers.

Separating You from Your Known People

They will attempt to distance you from family and acquaintances by making lies or spreading rumors about you, which is another behavior that is typical of individuals who are being stalked. Your initial response could be to retreat when unpleasant or upsetting information becomes public. Your stalker wants that, though. Then he'll attempt to enter, dressing up as your dazzling knight.

Though he may seem the most understanding person in your life, resist the urge to seek solace from your stalker. Make an effort to be resilient and keep your social network intact instead.

Overly Numerous Annoying Physical Contact

They could brush up against you on the street, keep touching your hand or shoulders while you're talking, or make themselves at ease around you, ignoring your protests. Perhaps no one instance sticks out to you as particularly threatening, but when you consider the overall picture, you get concerned.

For instance, the same individual has repeatedly contacted you unwelcomely.

Threatening You or Behaving Abusively

A typical tactic for some stalkers is to use violence or threats to scare their target.

Neither your home nor your automobile is safe from vandalism. Report the incident to the authorities as soon as possible if you believe a stalker is at fault, if you receive threats, or if someone takes credit for the act.

By giving the authorities the information they need, they may be able to both identify your stalker and piece together the evidence from the incident.

Updated on: 06-Feb-2023


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