10 MBA Interview Questions and Answers

The MBA interview is one of the most important stages in your application process. It shows your interviewer that you're a serious candidate and willing to devote time and energy to the program.

To tackle these tough questions with ease, it's helpful to have an idea of what they'll be asking beforehand. Below, we've compiled 10 examples of common MBA interview questions. Hopefully reading them will help give you some insight into how hiring managers think about prospective students when deciding which schools might be right for them!

An MBA interview is a standard part of the admissions process at many business schools. While most interviews are relatively informal and relaxed, you should be prepared for an interview that might include an honest assessment of your skills and abilities as well as some tough questions about your background and goals.

You should also prepare for unexpected moments during your interview.

10 MBA Questions and Answers

We've compiled 10 of the best questions and answers from some of the top business schools, so you know what to expect during your interview. These questions are designed to help you evaluate potential hires and make sure they're a good fit for your company. You should answer them thoughtfully, and with care.

1) Why an MBA?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the reasons for choosing an MBA will vary depending on your career goals and interests. However, some common reasons people choose an MBA include: gaining additional skills; increasing their chances of getting a high-paying job; and furthering their education.

So how do you answer the question "why an MBA?" The best way to approach this question is to start by explaining why you want an MBA and what specific skills or knowledge you hope to gain from attending school.

2) How will an MBA help you achieve your career goals?

There are a number of reasons why an MBA would be beneficial for someone looking to pursue a career in business. But as the goals and needs of each individual vary, this answer needs to be personal.

Some common benefits of an MBA include −

  • Improved problem-solving skills

  • A better understanding of business concepts

  • Increased ability to communicate complex ideas concisely

3) Tell me about yourself

This is the most common question you'll get asked during an interview, so it's important to know how to answer it. To start, make sure that your introduction includes information about your background and education (if applicable), as well as some personal details about yourself.

You should also mention any relevant work experience or skills that would help illustrate how you'd fit in at the school—for example: "I spent my summers working at a local charity organization."

Once again − don't ramble! Keep things concise and organized so that everyone can follow along easily.

4) What are your strengths and weaknesses?

When asked this question, it's important to remember that your answers should be honest. You should not use the interview as an opportunity to brag about how much you know or how well-rounded you are. Instead, focus on explaining how your strengths and weaknesses can serve as a combination of assets that help you succeed in business.

However, some candidates may feel uncomfortable answering questions regarding their weaknesses because they believe these could reflect negatively on them.

Here are some of the weaknesses you can consider without sounding negative −

  • I'm a risk taker.

  • I overwork myself trying to finish everything before the deadline.

  • I focus a lot on details.

  • I try to maintain perfectionism in everything.

  • I trust easily.

5) What are your short- and long-term career goals?

Describe the type of job you want to do in detail, including any specific skills or experience that might be required. If you're not sure what kind of work it is, state that so the interviewer can get an idea of what kind of position would best suit your skillset.

Explain how your MBA will help you achieve those goals and why this school is a good fit for them.

6) Why do you want an MBA from X School?

What is the most important thing you hope to get out of the program?

How does this fit in with your career goals? If you had a choice, what three words would describe your ideal job and how would it relate to this degree? What are your short-term and long-term career goals after graduation, and how does this program help in achieving those goals?

You need to consider all these questions and answer accordingly. Let the interviewer know why you want that college and how it will benefit you.

7) How would a classmate describe you?

When you're in an interview, how do you prepare for the dreaded question - "How would a classmate describe you?" and other variations thereof?

Assuming that your interviewer isn't asking this question in order to gauge whether or not you'd make an effective team player, there are three main approaches that can be used: answering truthfully, toning it down, or going with your gut.

The most important thing is to come up with an answer that feels honest to you without putting yourself in too much danger. If possible, try recalling an instance where you've shown courage and leadership skills - these will likely show in your responses regardless of what approach is taken.

8) What are your contributions to the school/class/team/community? How have they affected you?

The first thing to keep in mind is that this question is not an opportunity for you to brag about how great you are and what a great job you did. It's also not an opportunity for you to say anything negative about other people, classes, or teams at the school. This question isn't about them; it's about YOU!

So, how do we answer this question? Well first of all remember: don't just talk about what YOU want to do but also consider how your experiences have affected YOU as a person and how they've helped shape who you are today.

In addition, make sure the answers reflect both successes AND failures so that there aren't any awkward silences when interviewers ask follow-up questions later on down the road.

9) Describe a situation in which you were able to use persuasion to successfully convince someone to see things your way

You're interviewing with a potential employer, and they ask you to describe a situation in which you were able to use persuasion to successfully convince someone to see things your way. Your answer should include the following −

  • The person(s) involved and what motivated them.

  • How I handled the conflict or disagreement that arose between us. Did I use logic and reason, or did I resort to emotional manipulation or coercion? If so, why did this work for me instead of failing outright?

10) Describe a situation in which you failed. How did it affect you and what did you learn from it?

A common question for MBA candidates is: "How do you handle failure?" It's a question that many professionals face in their careers as well. Failure may be an inevitable part of life and business. It can happen at any time, whether it's due to poor planning or lack of experience.

However, failure isn't always bad news, and when it happens early on in your career, learning from the experience can be beneficial if you're able to move forward with greater confidence and competence than before. For this type of growth curve to occur, there needs to be an element of risk involved (which brings us back around again).


And that’s all for our list of the top 10 MBA interview questions. We hope this guide has helped you prepare for your interview and that it will help you be successful in getting into one of these great programs!

Updated on: 06-Dec-2022


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