10 Jobs That ChatGPT Can Replace in the Near Future

The idea that AI is going to replace humans is not new. Our culture has constantly valued how technology could turn against us or completely replace humans. All of that, though, was before ChatGPT came to town and began to make this fever dream become reality. While we are not quite there yet, ChatGPT and AI in general may be on the way to changing humans entirely in some situations and taking over some jobs. So, is "Skynet" age finally here? Let's discuss the fields that ChatGPT or AI is most likely to take over.

Jobs that ChatGPT can replace in the future

These are the few jobs that ChatGPT may soon fill; let's have a look −

Tech jobs (Coders, computer programmers, software engineers, data analysts).

ChatGPT is able to code! Yes, that is correct— the generative AI can both write code and fix mistakes that humans make while creating it. All tech-related positions, including web developers, programmers, and data scientists, are in danger of being replaced by AI. Human-prepared codes, on the other hand, take a long time and are exact and precise. On another hand, ChatGPT produces codes faster than people do, requiring less work overall.

Graphic Designers

DALL-E, a tool for creating customized graphics based on what is asked of users, was introduced by Open AI, a ChatGPT developer in 2021. The user only needed to type the command, and the device could produce some incredible pictures. Due to the threat it poses to graphic artists' jobs, this tool turned out to be a threat to all of them. Yet sometimes AI-generated photos have copyright difficulties, and the parent business has to go through legal proceedings. Humans are good at creativity because they can put more thought into their creations and come up with original ideas.

Interpretators and Translators

The lucky few who either help users in making sense of documents or lead them through cities to stop them from getting lost are interpreters and translators. However, ChatGPT is also putting their jobs at risk as the use of artificial intelligence grows. Although Google Translate has always been a player in the AI game, its prominence has grown over time.

Should you have missed the most recent information, the GPT-4 LLM supports over 26 different languages. Both widely used and complex languages fall within this category. With such assistance, ChatGPT is not only easier to use but also helpful for word, document, and sentence translation. The AI can translate anything with ease, but it hallucinates more in languages other than English.

Copywriting / Email Writing

Copywriting is within the field of creative writing, and it is thought that only humans can produce it with the necessary originality and individuality. However, ChatGPT can produce high-quality text quickly, affecting the livelihoods of copywriters. A very professional email can be written in a matter of seconds using ChatGPT for writing emails if we talk about composing emails. It's good news for creative writers who fear losing their careers in the near future because AI can sometimes fail to convey the exact sentiments that one wishes to convey in writing.

Accountants and Auditors

Similar to the law, a variety of duties and tasks belong to the financial industry. There is a lot to do, from composing whole financial reports to constructing profit/loss tables and balance sheets. It requires much financial labor and investigation, like before. Here, ChatGPT, however, steps on its virtual toes once more.

AI is capable of handling everything that is financially advanced, including basic Excel calculations, automating tiny activities, and market research. Although the most recent GPT-4 language model warns against relying entirely on it, it is still possible to use it to create a variety of legal documents and do other tasks. When combined with editing and monitoring, ChatGPT can be very harmful to employment in the legal industry.

Market Analyst

Market analysis is one of the many tasks that chatbots today are designed to perform in place of people. It can do market research and help businesses in acting properly. This information can be used by marketers to carry out normal tasks and create profitable algorithms. Also, a lot of businesses now use ChatGPT for data collection, trend identification, marketing campaign planning, and even advertising. So, it is not a big deal if a chatbot starts doing market analysis in the near future.

Social Media Manager

Similar to YouTube, a business needs competent staff to handle its public relations. However, no business speaks with the customer directly. By creating and carrying out a well-thought-out plan for a company's social media interactions and content, social media managers close this gap. But ChatGPT and its applications are also gradually filling this particular role.


Even though you would believe mathematicians are free to ChatGPT, their job is one of the weakest. People have never been able to solve challenging problems in maths. However, ChatGPT (and AI in general) can do a lot due to the most recent GPT-4 model. Even now, ChatGPT is capable of resolving challenging mathematical concepts and equations.


The teaching career has mostly remained the same for a very long period. Most things are the same whether it is the atmosphere or the instructional methods. But as AI gains strength, it's helping out here, which is great. We've already talked about how ChatGPT and other bots excel at writing complex computer code or explaining complex subjects.


ChatGPT and AI might make a recruiter's work easier, but they won't always accept it. ChatGPT may play the role of a hiring manager when properly programmed, complete with interview questions.

However, if left alone, the bot may pose confusing questions, needing background information. Also, a recruiter's duties go beyond interviews and include following down possible applicants and pursuing them to completion. Such a process cannot be performed by AI since it requires the human EQ shown above.


In this article, we have learned about a lot of jobs that ChatGPT might replace in the near future. But there are a few more that it could help with. Even if AI has made amazing advances in recent years, it still might take at least 5 to 10 years before it actually starts actively replacing humans. We need to keep in mind that humans are more creative and intelligent than machines. So, we shouldn't be afraid of AI and should carry on with our activities as usual.


Q1. Can ChatGPT replace programmers in the future?

Ans. Experts strongly believe that it is unlikely that ChatGPT will replace developers. However, it can automate several tasks that can improve productivity. Tasks like generating code, fixing bugs, and documenting.

Q2. What are the jobs that AI can't replace?

Ans. ChatGPT has the potential to replace menial tasks but it cannot replace humans in a few jobs. Roles like therapists, artists, legal professionals, artisans, healthcare professionals, surgeons, athletes, trainers, and even more.

Q3. How can I use ChatGPT to grow in my career?

Ans. ChatGPT can assist you in improving your skills and aligning your goals. It can point out roles that fit your expertise, help you build a better resume, and strategize the outreach.

Updated on: 12-Jan-2024


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