10 Fiber-Rich Foods for Your Diabetes Diet

Fiber, a carbohydrate found in plant-based meals, slows blood sugar increase after meals. Two forms of fiber, soluble and insoluble, each have advantages. Soluble fiber makes foods gummy, reducing cholesterol absorption.

That's good news for everyone, but especially for diabetics with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke than the general population. Despite its prominence, fiber is not the only factor to consider when selecting the healthiest meals for those with diabetes. One must also watch their carbohydrate intake. Consider calories, total fat, and fat quality for weight reduction and health.


Half of the carbohydrates in legumes are in the form of fiber, which can aid in maintaining steady blood sugar levels.

More than 15g of fiber and 230 calories may be found in a single cup of cooked lentils. According to Mount Sinai, they are an excellent source of soluble fiber. Around 18g of protein in the same meal size also helps with fullness, and 40g of carbs. Are you in a pinch? Red lentils are the best option since they cook rapidly and can be used in various dishes.


How can I get the most nutritional value out of my bean purchase? Choose colors from the rainbow. Around 5g of fiber may be found in a quarter cup of cooked red kidney beans, 6g in a half cup of black beans, and 5g in a half cup of white beans, making all three a healthy source of fiber. One serving of beans has around 120 calories and 21g of carbohydrates.

Beans and lentils have starch that is resistant to digestion, in addition to supplying fiber. As a result, it takes longer to enter the circulation and affects blood sugar levels. Likewise to lentils, beans have both soluble and insoluble fiber.

As an added bonus, starch benefits the healthy bacteria in your digestive tract. Fatty acids are produced when bacteria eat resistant starch. These fatty acids are helpful because they increase insulin sensitivity and foster healthier colon cells. Add beans to your daily diet into a salad, soup, or main dish.


Tasteful and delicate, artichokes are also a rich source of fiber; half a cup of artichoke hearts offers roughly 4.8g. They are an excellent source of vitamin C and folate and contain potassium and magnesium, which are known to reduce blood pressure. Only 8g of carbs and 35 calories are in a single serving. To prepare an artichoke for cooking, remove the base leaves, cut off the top third, toss the stem, and trim the thorns from the top leaves. You may steam it for around 25 minutes over boiling water.Once the artichoke flowers have cooled, the protective bracts can be removed and dipped in a vinaigrette made with olive oil.


If you're craving something salty, try air-popping some popcorn at home instead of opening a bag of chips. This isn't movie theatre popcorn, so there's no need to add salt or butter. Instead, try dressing it up with spicy sauce, dry herbs, or olive oil. Around 2g of fiber may be found in three cups of air-popped popcorn. There are 160 calories and 12g of carbs in a single serving. Popcorn is low in calories, has nearly little fat, and contains no cholesterol. Its low-glycemic index slows digestion and blood sugar levels.


Avocados are rich in omega-3 heart-healthy fatty acids and soluble and insoluble fiber; they are delicious when mashed and used as a dip or spread in place of mayonnaise. Almost 2g of fiber may be found in only a quarter cup of mashed avocado. Moreover, 50 calories and 3g of carbs are in a single serving. Remember that a little bit counts for a lot because it includes roughly 5g of fat. For baking, use 1 tablespoon of avocado mashed instead of 1 tablespoon of butter, and use avocado slices instead of cheese on sandwiches to reduce unhealthy saturated fat.


These high-soluble-fiber starchy vegetables are a nutrient-rich rice and grain replacement rich in vitamins A, C, and K. Green peas in the can, after being rinsed, provide roughly 3.5g of fiber per half a cup portion, making them a healthy option. Around 11g of carbs and 59 calories may be found in the same serving size, much less than rice. Moreover, each meal provides roughly 3.8g of protein. A quarter cup of cooked yellow or green split peas has 9g fiber, 120 calories, and 21g carbs, making it a healthy alternative. High in fiber and other nutritional elements, Peas may be a great addition to a salad or eaten with mint and parsley to help you keep your carbohydrate consumption in check.


One cup of raw broccoli has around 2g of fiber and the same protein content. A similar portion has roughly 5g of carbs and 30 calories. This green cruciferous vegetable also has a high concentration of vitamin C and vitamin K. Broccoli is a versatile vegetable that may be cooked in a variety of ways (steaming, tossing in garlicky olive oil with pasta or casserole, or even eating it raw and crisp in your favorite green salad) or enjoyed in moderation.


Berries are full of healthy fiber and antioxidants and small enough to eat in one bite. There are benefits to eating berries, but consuming insoluble fiber from foods like raspberries and blackberries is one option. Berries are a great source of suitable substances for you, including those that may reduce the risk of some forms of cancer and increase heart health. Berries include roughly 3g of fiber, 15g of carbs, and 60 calories in a one-cup meal. Sweeten your dish with a serving of berries and dark chocolate shavings.


The nutritional value of pears is the same regardless of their color. Around 6g of fiber may be found in a giant pear, making it a great food choice. Grilled pears topped with balsamic vinegar are an elegant dessert option. Slice it as a dessert or put it on salad leaves for an appetizer. If you want to include a large pear in your daily diet, you should know that it has roughly 27g of carbohydrates and 18g of natural sugars. Soluble fiber may be found in abundance in pears.

Grains of Barley and Oats

These two grains are rich in insoluble fiber and are excellent additions to any healthy diet. Replace rice or pasta with cooked barley, and use oats instead of bread crumbs for making meatloaf or breading roasted fish or chicken. Both are rich in the dietary fiber beta-glucan, which boosts insulin function, reduces blood sugar, and expels excess cholesterol. More than 7g of fiber, 37g of carbs, and 170 calories may be found in a serving of cooked barley. Rolled oats are a great source of fiber and other nutrients; a half-cup portion has around 4g of fiber, 150 calories, and 27g of carbohydrates.

Updated on: 07-Apr-2023


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