10 Advance VsFTP Interview Questions and Answers

VsFTP (Very Secure File Transfer Protocol) is a popular FTP server software used for transferring files over the internet. If you are applying for a job that requires knowledge of VsFTP, then it's essential to be familiar with the advanced concepts and technical questions that might arise during an interview.

In this article, we will discuss some of the advanced VsFTP interview questions and their possible answers.

What is VsFTP and Why is it Used?

VsFTP is a secure FTP server software that allows users to transfer files over the internet. It provides a secure and efficient way to transfer files between servers and clients. VsFTP uses SSL/TLS encryption to ensure that data is transmitted securely. It's widely used because of its features, such as easy configuration, high-performance, and secure data transfer.

What is Passive Mode in VsFTP?

Passive mode is a data transfer mode used by VsFTP. In passive mode, the FTP client initiates the data transfer instead of the FTP server. It's useful when the FTP server is behind a firewall or NAT (Network Address Translation) device. In passive mode, the FTP server opens a random port for data transfer and sends the port number to the client. The client then initiates the data transfer on that port.

How do You Enable Passive Mode in VsFTP?

To enable passive mode in VsFTP, follow these steps −

Open the VsFTP configuration file located at /etc/vsftpd.conf

Add the following lines to the file −


Replace "IP_Address" with the IP address of your FTP server.

Save the file and restart VsFTP by typing the following command: sudo service vsftpd restart

How do You Restrict Access to Certain Directories in VsFTP?

To restrict access to certain directories in VsFTP, you can use the chroot_local_user parameter in the VsFTP configuration file. This parameter restricts users to their home directories. To restrict access to a specific directory, you need to create a new user and set their home directory to the desired directory. Here are the steps −

Create a new user and set their home directory to the desired directory by typing the following command −

sudo useradd -d /path/to/directory username

Replace "/path/to/directory" with the path to the desired directory and "username" with the desired username.

Set a password for the new user by typing the following command −

sudo passwd username

Edit the VsFTP configuration file located at /etc/vsftpd.conf and add the following line −


Create a new file named chroot_list in the /etc directory and add the username to the file. This file will contain a list of users who are restricted to their home directories.

Restart VsFTP by typing the following command: sudo service vsftpd restart

How do You Configure VsFTP to Use SFTP?

VsFTP doesn't support SFTP natively, but you can use a third-party tool like OpenSSH to enable SFTP. Here are the steps −

Install OpenSSH by typing the following command − sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Create a new user by typing the following command − sudo adduser username

Set a password for the new user by typing the following command − sudo passwd username

Edit the sshd_config file located at /etc/ssh/sshd_config and add the following lines −

Match User username
ForceCommand internal-sftp
PasswordAuthentication yes
ChrootDirectory /home/username

Replace "username" with the desired username for the new user.

Restart OpenSSH by typing the following command − sudo service ssh restart

How do You Limit the Number of Simultaneous Connections in VsFTP?

To limit the number of simultaneous connections in VsFTP, you need to modify the max_clients and max_per_ip parameters in the VsFTP configuration file. Here are the steps −

Open the VsFTP configuration file located at /etc/vsftpd.conf

Add the following lines to the file −


Replace "100" with the desired number of maximum clients, and "5" with the desired number of maximum clients per IP address.

Save the file and restart VsFTP by typing the following command −

sudo service vsftpd restart

How do You Configure VsFTP to Use Virtual Users?

Virtual users are users who are not present in the system's user database but are created solely for the purpose of FTP access. To configure VsFTP to use virtual users, follow these steps −

Install the necessary packages by typing the following command −

sudo apt-get install libpam-pwdfile vsftpd

Create a new password file by typing the following command −

sudo touch /etc/vsftpd.passwd

Set the permissions of the password file by typing the following command −

sudo chmod 600 /etc/vsftpd.passwd

Add a new user to the password file by typing the following command −

sudo htpasswd /etc/vsftpd.passwd username

Replace "username" with the desired username for the new virtual user.

Edit the VsFTP configuration file located at /etc/vsftpd.conf and add the following lines −


Save the file and restart VsFTP by typing the following command − sudo service vsftpd restart

How do You Configure VsFTP to Use SSL/TLS?

To configure VsFTP to use SSL/TLS, you need to generate an SSL certificate and modify the VsFTP configuration file. Here are the steps −

Generate a self-signed SSL certificate by typing the following command:

sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/vsftpd.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/vsftpd.crt

Edit the VsFTP configuration file located at /etc/vsftpd.conf and add the following lines −


Save the file and restart VsFTP by typing the following command − sudo service vsftpd restart

How do You Configure VsFTP to Use LDAP Authentication?

To configure VsFTP to use LDAP authentication, you need to install the necessary packages and modify the VsFTP configuration file. Here are the steps −

Install the necessary packages by typing the following command −

sudo apt-get install libpam-ldapd libnss-ldapd nslcd vsftpd

Edit the LDAP configuration file located at /etc/nslcd.conf and add the LDAP server information.

Edit the PAM configuration file located at /etc/pam.d/vsftpd and add the following line −

auth required pam_ldap.so

Edit the VsFTP configuration file located at /etc/vsftpd.conf and add the following lines −


Save the file and restart VsFTP by typing the following command: sudo service vsftpd restart

How do You Limit the Number of Login Attempts in VsFTP?

To limit the number of login attempts in VsFTP, you need to modify the max_login_attempts parameter in the VsFTP configuration file. Here are the steps −

Open the VsFTP configuration file located at /etc/vsftpd.conf

Add the following line to the file −


Replace "3" with the desired number of maximum login attempts.

Save the file and restart VsFTP by typing the following command − sudo service vsftpd restart

How do You Configure VsFTP to Use FTP Over SSL/TLS (FTPS) on a Custom Port?

To configure VsFTP to use FTPS on a custom port, you need to modify the listen_port and pasv_port parameters in the VsFTP configuration file. Here are the steps −

Open the VsFTP configuration file located at /etc/vsftpd.conf

Add the following lines to the file −


How do You Configure VsFTP to Use SSH for Authentication?

To configure VsFTP to use SSH for authentication, you need to modify the pam_service_name parameter in the VsFTP configuration file. Here are the steps −

Open the VsFTP configuration file located at /etc/vsftpd.conf

Add the following line to the file −


Save the file and restart VsFTP by typing the following command: sudo service vsftpd restart

How do You Configure VsFTP to Use SSH Keys For Authentication?

To configure VsFTP to use SSH keys for authentication, you need to modify the ssh_key_file parameter in the VsFTP configuration file. Here are the steps −

Generate an SSH key pair by typing the following command −

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f /path/to/ssh_key

Edit the VsFTP configuration file located at /etc/vsftpd.conf and add the following lines −


Save the file and restart VsFTP by typing the following command: sudo service vsftpd restart

Final Thoughts

VsFTP is a powerful and flexible FTP server that offers a wide range of advanced features and functionalities. If you are preparing for an interview or want to expand your knowledge of VsFTP, it's essential to be familiar with the advanced concepts and technical questions that might arise during an interview. The above questions and answers provide a solid foundation for your VsFTP interview preparation. Remember to practice and experiment with VsFTP to gain more hands-on experience and confidence.

Updated on: 02-May-2023


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