Online Linux Terminal (Compile...

We provide you an easy interface to Linux operating system CentOS 8 where you can play with all the Linux commands with a simple user privilege. Linux is a variant of Unix liked operating systems. Following is a list of few important Linux/Unix commands. cat -- Display File Contents cd -- Changes Directory to dirname chgrp -- Change file group chmod -- Changing Permissions cp -- Copy source file into destination file -- Determine file type find -- Find files grep -- Search files for regular expressions. head -- Display first few lines of a file ln -- Create softlink on oldname ls -- Display information about file type. mkdir -- Create a new directory dirname more -- Display data in paginated form. mv -- Move (Rename) a oldname to newname. pwd -- Print current working directory. rm -- Remove (Delete) filename rmdir -- Delete an existing directory provided it is empty. tail -- Prints last few lines in a file. touch -- Update access and modification time of a file.