Python os.mkfifo() Method

The Python method os.mkfifo() creates a FIFO named path with a numeric mode. The default mode is "0o666" (octal) which sets the read and write permissions for a given file..

The term FIFO stands for First In First Out. In Unix-like operating systems, it is a named pipe used for storing data in a temporary queue where the first data written into the pipe is the first to read out.


Following is the syntax for Python os.mkfifo() method −

os.mkfifo(path, mode, * , dir_fd)


The Python os.mkfifo() method accepts the following parameters −

  • path − This is the path, which needs to be created.

  • mode − This is the mode of the named path to be given.

  • dir_fd − This parameter represents a file descriptor that refers to a directory. Its default value is "None".

  • * − This parameter indicates that all following parameters (in this case, dir_fd) are keyword-only parameters.

Return Value

The Python os.mkfifo() method does not return any value.


The following example shows the usage of mkfifo() method. Here, we are creating a FIFO named pipe "/tmp/new".

import os, sys

# Path to be created
path = "/tmp/new"

os.mkfifo( path )
print ("Path is created")

When we run the above program, it produces following result −

Path is created


In the following example, we are creating a FIFO named pipe with the specified mode using mkfifo() method.

import os, sys

# Path to be created
path = "/home/tp/Python/nwdir/new"

os.mkfifo(path, 0o600)
print ("Path created with read and write permission")

When we run above program, it produces following result −

Path created with read and write permission