Java - String startsWith() Method

The Java String startsWith() method is used to check if the string begins with the specified prefix. The prefix which needs to be verified is provided to the function in the form of a string. A single character may also serve as the prefix.

This method retrieves the boolean value true if the string contains the specified prefix; otherwise false. For example, for the string "TutorialsPoint" if you invoke this method by passing "Tut" as an argument then, it will return the boolean value true.

This method has two polymorphic variants, the syntax of which is shown below.


Following is the syntax for Java String startsWith() method −

public boolean startsWith(String prefix) // first syntax
public boolean startsWith(String prefix, int toffset) // second syntax


  • prefix − This is the value of prefix.

  • toffset − This is where to begin looking in this string. // second syntax

Return Value

  • The public boolean startsWith(String prefix) method returns true if the character sequence represented by the argument is a prefix of the character sequence represented by this string, else false.

  • The public boolean startsWith(String prefix, int toffset) method returns true if the character sequence represented by the argument is a prefix of the substring of this object starting at index toffset, else false.

Checking if a String Starts with Given String Example

The following example shows the usage of Java String startsWith() method. Here we are initializing a String with an URL and verifying whether it starts with "www" −

package com.tutorialspoint;

public class StringDemo {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      String str = "";
      // the start string to be checked
      String startstr1 = "www";
      // checks that string starts with given substring
      boolean retval1 = str.startsWith(startstr1);
      // prints true if the string starts with given substring
      System.out.println("starts with " + startstr1 + " ? " + retval1);


If you compile and run the above program, it will produce the following result −
starts with www ? true

Checking if a String is not starting with Given String Example

Following is another example of this function −

package com.tutorialspoint;

public class StringDemo {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      String str = "";
      // the start string to be checked
      String startstr1 = "com";
      // checks that string starts with given substring
      boolean retval1 = str.startsWith(startstr1);
      // prints true if the string starts with given substring otherwise false
      System.out.println("starts with " + startstr1 + " ? " + retval1);


If you compile and run the program above, the output will be displayed as follows −
starts with com ? false

Checking if a String Starts with Given String Example

The following example shows the usage of Java String startsWith() method by initializing a String object and starting the match by providing the index. Here it returns a failed match −

package com.tutorialspoint;

public class StringDemo {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      String str = "";
      // the start string to be checked
      String startstr1 = "tutorialspoint";
      // checks that string starts with given substring and starting index
      boolean retval1 = str.startsWith(startstr1);
      // prints true if the string starts with given substring
      System.out.println("starts with " + startstr1 + " ? " + retval1);


On executing the program above, the output is obtained as follows −
starts with tutorialspoint ? false

Checking if a String Starts with Given String from a Offset Example

A String object is initialized with the value "" and we are invoking the startsWith() method on this string by passing the toffset value along with the prefix string −

package com.tutorialspoint;

public class StringDemo {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      String str = "";
      // the start string to be checked
      String startstr1 = "tutorialspoint";
      // checks that string starts with given substring and starting index
      boolean retval1 = str.startsWith(startstr1, 4);
      // prints true if the string starts with given substring otherwise false
      System.out.println("string " + startstr1 + " starting from index 4 ? " + retval1);


The output of the above program is as follows −
string tutorialspoint starting from index 4 ? true

Getting Exception while Checking If a String Starts with Given String Example

The NullPointerException is thrown if we pass null as an argument. The reason for this is that null cannot be used as an argument.

public class StringDemo {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      String s = "Welcome to tutorials Point";
      System.out.println("The string is: " + s.startsWith(null));


While executing the above code we get the following output −

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "String.length()" because "prefix" is null
      at java.base/java.lang.String.startsWith(
      at java.base/java.lang.String.startsWith(
      at StringDemo.main(